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When he left, I didn't realize how much it would affect us. He was the glue that held us together. He was the reason we were a team. He was there when the rest of us weren't.

No one knew why he left. The only reason we could come up with, we never gave him the credit he deserved. Chase deserved everything we got. Adam and I, were nothing compared to Chase. Yes, together, we were unstoppable. But with just the two of us, anything bad that could happen, did happen. We haven't been on a mission since he left. It would feel wrong, otherwise.

I miss him. Every minute of everyday. It doesn't feel the same without having my little brother there to help me through things like this. I need him now, more than ever.

I, Bree Davenport, have been captured. My bionics have been turned off until I am able to reach Mr. Davenport. He was taken by my unknown uncle, Douglas Davenport. Now, I'm stuck in some place, handcuffed to a tree of all things. Not knowing what to do, but think. I know now, that the second I get out of here, I have to save Mr. Davenport. And after I have been able to do that, I need to find my brother. Because having him gone for the past two years, has been more than enough for me.


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