Heather- Background

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When Heather was a little girl, she always dreamed of being a Spartan that travelled to other planets and destroy aliens. Heather attended Sprinkle Spartan Academy and was often bullied for being a female. However, she graduated at age fourteen and she became the first female Spartan to travel to another planet.

At age sixteen, while on planet Timu with a couple of other Spartans, Heather decided to infiltrate the aliens' base. During the infiltration, the Timuans came from behind and shot Heather in the back, causing her spinal cord to shut down and she was put in a coma for two years. When she awoke from her coma, Heather was replaced by another Spartan named Tezz Pu. Learning Teez was originally a ninja, Heather attended Sprinkle Ninja Academy to avenge her spot. She attempted to graduate and become a ninja to take Tezz's old job. However, when she completed her goal, Teez didn't care as she stated that being a Spartan was more adventurous. Heather was depressed and angered, to where she resorted to partying to escape her life.

As an older adult at age twenty-six, Heather met a charming young man named Richard Ran. She quickly became infatuated with him and they formed a romantic relationship. Eventually, Heather was pregnant with a baby girl and she couldn't wait to tell Richard the exciting news. However, Richard wanted them to go their separate ways. Furious, because she was being pregnant with his baby, she beat him in the head with a frozen lamb leg hard enough to crack through his skull and kill him. To cover up her murder, she called the police and convinced them she came home to find his dead body on the floor. Knowing the police will search for the murder weapon, Heather cooked the frozen lamb leg and she fed it to the police. The murder weapon now gone, Richard's murder was left unsolved and Heather got away with the murder.

After Heather gave birth to Helen Paula, Hidden Sprinkle Village became a tourist site, becoming a land of peace. Believing ninja are meant to resort to violence, Heather hold a murderous loath, and she brutally murdered all of her neighbors before leaving with Helen. During her travels, Heather became across a religion known as Jashinism, where a person offers up the people they've killed to their God, Lord Jashin, anything less than a kill is considered a sin. Heather read through every scripture, attended every ceremony, and bludgeonly murdered as much people as she can. Somehow, these killings caused Heather to be permanently immortal as long as she keeps offering sacrifices. Eventually, she had become affiliated with the criminal organization, the Jiniyuri. She initially tried to kill Isna Hope, Darrianson Lightning, and Kerrel. After finding a stalemate with Kerrel, Isna broke up the fight and it was explained to Heather the benefits of joining the Jiniyuri. Heather agrees to join, mainly because she took interest in Kerrel since he was a pioneer in immortality as well, she joined and was partnered with Kerrel.

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