Nash- Background

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Nash always heard voices arguing in his head as a young child. Unable to hear people talking to him, Nash would often stop and sit in his room alone with his thoughts. As he grew up, his adoptive parents, Fui and Justin Tracy were often gone for long periods of time. Tay raised Nash and Helen in their place, but she was often gone due to her job as a nurse, and Helen was always playing with friends. Though they all loved each other without a doubt, Nash was often left alone, causing him to cry by himself. It was then that Eddie Toujaku came into Nash's life and became his best friend, as well as his hero.

Nash and Eddie as kids

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Nash and Eddie as kids.

Eddie and Nash would often play together, since Eddie's mother and Tay got along well. Nash was often teased for his multiple personality disorder and for wearing nail polish, but Eddie always came to the rescue. Although they did not spend much time together, they both cherished each other deeply. Later, due to family matters, Eddie left Picking Lot Village with his mother, and Nash was left all alone again.

Nash as Sly Crimson

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Nash as Sly Crimson.

As he grew into a teenager, Nash finds a discarded, old-model Nasori in the trash that had the form of a fluffy, light Japanese Spitz dog. Nash, feeling sorry for such a sight, decided to take it back home and fix it up himself. At some point, Quinn transmitted his consciousness into the Nasori. Nash had then become heavily involved in Shyme, earning a reputation amongst other members. Along the way, he met Rob Duzuki, Tyra Nina, and Tyna Shawn. Nash went under his Shyme name, "Sly Crimson" and often got into street fights. He became very violent, breaking his opponents' minds and causing permanent damage from using Icrap on them. He was also known to be sleeping around with many girls and consuming large amounts of illegal drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, and weed. However, after a certain incident, he was sent to the hospital and ended up losing all memories of his previous personality before. Due to his power, Nash's mind was divided into three personalities: the Nash everyone knows, another personality symbolizing Nash's Icrap power (often called "the other Nash"), and Quinn, whose role was to maintain the balance between the personalities as a guardian. However, after losing his memories a year before the story; Quinn had also lost his, becoming an entirely different entity in the process and believing he was truly just a Nasori.

After being released from the hospital, Nash began having severe headaches daily, which Tay suspected was from Icrap wanting to be released. She prescribed him pills and watched over his intake on them, relieved that they were effective. Afterward, they and Helen all began living a normal routine again.

Nash's first appearance

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Nash's first appearance.

Nash ends up getting a part-time job at Junk Shop Aoiz, working as a salesman and claims to have been working there for a long time now. He had no interest in participating in Shyme, but decided to participate in Rib instead. Eddie had also returned, overjoying Nash, and they remain in touch as much as they did when they were kids. Just as Nash's life had begun returning to normal, the events of Story of Nash: The Two Gangs begin.

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