Chapter 7

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Ray and her mother closed the bakery for the night, then they went upstairs and Sinna started making dinner with Ray helping her out. Ray always loved to help her mother cook ever since she was a kid.

Once dinner was ready they sat down at the table and started to eat. It was quite for a while until Ray decided to start a conversation.

"So, I'll be leaving for beacon in a few weeks. Are you sure you'll be okay without me helping you out at the bakery?" Her mother smiled.

"Of course I will, i'm not going to stop you from going to beacon just because I need help." "Okay." "Your father would be proud of you, you know." "I thought dad never liked the idea of me becoming a huntress." "Well, not at first, but after a couple years he started warming up to the idea even if he never seemed like he did. And Cole would be so happy for you." "Yeah. I just wish they were here..." "Me too, sweetie.... Me too."

Once they were done with dinner Ray went up to her room and started writing in her journal.

'So, the usual happened today, but I ran into Ross again. I swear he keeps getting more annoying each day now, but this time I finally had it with him calling my Wolfy and flipped him, needless to say he was shocked I did that and just walked away. I can't wait to go to beacon and train to become a huntress. Also Ross won't be there's a plus. There was this guy that cane to the bakery, he looked about a few years older then me. He ordered some cinnamon rolls and actually wanted to start a conversation, which is rare for me. He started saying that it was a a nice day and asked if it was a blast at school. Of course, being my shy self I just nodded at pretty much everything he asked. Then he asked if I went to singal and stared talking about how his sister goes there, who knows, maybe I've seen her around. He started talking about how much fun she has there learning more and more about becoming a huntress, then he asked me if I felt the same way. I mean of course I do, I've wanted to become a huntress forever, but I didn't tell him that. I just said i guess. Then he told me how his sister used to be all shy and quiet like I am and after some time she broke out of her she'll with a little convincing. But I know I'll never be able to brake out of my she'll ever since that day... Anyway, he said his sister and I would be good friends if we'd get to know each other. After that he payed and left. The weird thing is he never said his or his sisters name, but in all honesty there's no chance I would ever meet his sister, especially if I don't even know her name.'

Once she was finished writing she closed her book and put it away. Then she got changed and went to bed.

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