Chapter 17

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"Yeah she is. So what?", sky asked.

Ash seemed surprised at her nonchalant attitude "Faunus are criminals..." She whispered "How did she even get in here?"

Sky was a little shocked that Ash would accuse all Faunus for being criminals.

"She's not a criminal Ash. In fact not all Faunus are criminals.", she said.

"I hear it on the news all the time. They steal, and cheat, and lie. If faunus were good, we'd hear about it on the news." She said.

"Not all of them are like that. Just because you hear crimes on the news that is about a Faunus doesn't mean all of them were like that. If that were the case were just as bad seeing as there are robbers who are humans. Not Faunus.", she said.

"But they kill more than we do, and steal more than we do. You don't hear on the news about people doing crimes that often. It a usually faunus and that cursed White Fang pack of garbage." She spat.

"Okay so based on what you hear on the news about a couple misguided Faunus doing these crimes, that gives you the right to label all Faunus criminals?", Sky said getting a bit ticked off.

"Yes. I've never met a faunus before, but based off the news and my parents, I've learned how awful those criminals are. She's no different from those vermin." Ash sneered.

Ray could hear everything that sky and that girl, ash, were talking about. She was getting madder by the second every time she heard ash say that Faunus were criminals. She got so mad and tried of hearing it all that she just walked out of the room.

"Vermin? Are you serious? You don't know her. You don't know any of them for that matter. Just a bunch of lame facts that you hear from other people. So get your head out the clouds and try to get to know them before you go ahead and judge.", Sky said.

It was taking everything in her not to scream at this girl. How dare she call her friend such a vile name. Before she could lose her cool any further she started to head to the door. "I gotta go. I'll see you around.", she said harshly as she left.

Ash simply sighed "Why was she defending her?" She thought allowed as she was the only one left in the room.

She curled in on herself and sat in a corner where she wouldn't be noticed. She'd already made two enemies just because they didn't understand. Maybe they were telling the truth? She thought, and almost got up to find them and apoligize when she remembered her mother's words

"Faunus are dirty and filthy. If I EVER catch you looking at one of them again, this punishment will look like a blessing." The words echoed as the hard wooden door to her room shut, and the locked clicked. "Faunus are dirty." She repeated as a tear slipped down her cheek "I'm sorry."

Ash stood up after letting a few tears slip and calming herself down. Her mother would be so disappointed. Wolvertons don't cry.

She looked at her glove and lit a small spark of electricity beforehand putting it out and pulling out her staff and extended it.

She really just needed to let off some steam. Thank god there was a training area... heh, or the forest near the school, but that's the same thing...

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