Chapter 12

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"That's pretty cool. So what's it like going on actually missions?" Ray asked.

"Well," he began "It's exhilarating to be out there with your friends fighting to make the world a better place and killing grimm. You never know what to expect, unless you get a tame mission which is usually the missions youll get as first years. Don't expect to much action on the field this year."

"Hey as long I get to hit something, I'm down with it.", Sky commented but soon chuckled a little bit.

"Team missions usually consist of shadowing someone in a safe, non grimm area. So, you won't be hitting much on missions." He said with a laugh "But I like your vibe."

Ray laughed a little, but stayed quiet for the moment. She couldn't really think of anything to ask at the moment.

Sky nodded and asked, "So when do we get more dangerous like missions?"

"Year two and above." He said simply "Is that all your questions?"

"Hmm... Nope, I don't think I have anymore questions." Ray said.

"Yeah same here.", Sky said.

"Alright, well." He reached into a large bin and pulled out a paper with their locker numbers and classes. "Here you go. I'll see you around." He smiled.

Sky grabbed her paper from Steel. "Thank you. Hope to see you around.", she said and walked away.

Ray took one of the papers. "Yeah, see you around." She said, and walked away.

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