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Howdy, so I played through Moon and I loved it. I decided to make a fanfic based on Hau x Player(Hau x reader) because I can't help but love him. In this story, you and Sun are twins. Sun is your overprotective brother. You both are going to start your journey, but you start a bit more sooner than him. I was going to make the pokemon team pretty much my team, but I think I'll start by running a poll on who the starter is that you choose, and I'll let you guys suggest who's all on the team(except Mimikyu because he's definitely on the team). I'm going to let myself be creative and let this fic go however it goes in my head, and I hope to be able to finish this fic owo;;;

Anyways, poll time for (Y/n)'s starter! I had to put it in the comments since it won't work putting it up here.

Also Lillie and Nebby come along as well.

Edit/update: okay, so rowlet and popplio got tied so i had to pull up a generator to solve the problem. I want to try to get to this story as soon as I can before I suddenly lose interest and stop ;w; and the winner came out........Rowlet.

Thanks to all those who voted, sorry it had to end up with me using a generator ^^;

My Alola Journey (Hau x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now