Ilima's Trial

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(y/n) was getting ready for her first trial. When she was fully dressed and got her bag, she walked out into the main part of the Pokemon Center. Hau and Sun were already out there.

"All ready?" Sun looked at his sister. (y/n) nodded.

"Yup! I'm all ready," she gave him a thumbs up.

"I think I'll get myself a treat at the cafe to pump myself up before trying the first trial," Hau said, walking over to the cafe area. (y/n) and Sun walked out and walked over to the entrance of the trial area. Ilima was standing in front, waiting to greet them.

"Greetings. Captain Ilima here. And my trial... begins mere steps from here in Verdant Cavern! Note that Pokemon living within Verdant Cavern are quite fierce. I wouldn't venture in unless you've prepared some potions and so forth," Ilima explained.

"We're prepared!" (y/n) smiled.

"Through attempting the trials during the island challenge, one can exceed his or her own limits... That is what Alolan people believe," Ilima started. "Once you enter Verdant Cavern, you will not be able to leave until you have completed the trial. Are you prepared for the trial?" 

"Yes!" (y/n) said.

"I'll be waiting for you," Ilima smiled. 

"Alright Sun, let's go in!" (y/n) looked at her brother.

"Alright," Sun grabbed (y/n)'s hand. They walked into the Verdant Cavern. 

"Let me formally welcome you to Verdant Cavern! I am your captain, Ilima. Allow me to explain the basics of my trial," Ilima said. "What you should attempt to do is...Defeat three of the Pokemon that lurk here in their dens! Then reach the pedestal deep within the cave... and collect the Z-Crystal there!"

"Alright!" (y/n) took a few steps forward, letting go of her brother's hand.

"Oh, and there's one more thing I forgot to mention," Ilima said. "Many strong Pokemon make their home in this cave, but one stronger and more fearsome than all the rest , known as a Totem Pokemon also resides here. It will be the greatest obstacle you face as you attempt to clear my trial! And you can't catch any Pokemon here until after you clear my trial. And it begins now! That trial of Captain Ilima!"

"I'll stay here and cheer you on," Sun gave (y/n) a thumbs up. (y/n) nodded and scampered off, going on through her trial. She managed to defeat the three Pokemon. The Trial Guide let her in through the back area. She walked in and went to grab the Z-Crystal. She felt a piercing gaze and looked around. She spotted the Totem Pokemon and it jumped down in front of her.

'zzzzrrt, it's huge!' Her rotomdex exclaimed. 

"I've never seen a Raticate so big!" (y/n) gasped. She battled and barely managed to win. 

"What an incredible trainer you are!" Ilima exclaimed, walking towards (y/n). "For you to be able to defeat the Totem Pokemon that I had trained up to such a powerful state... I don't know what I can say! Working in harmony with your Pokemon, you have cleared the trial of Ilima! You're a phenomenal trainer! Congratulations! The Z-Crystal from the pedestal is yours now!"

"Yay!" (y/n) turned around and grabbed the Z-Crystal. She tucked it safely into her bag.

"What you have just received is the Normal Z-Crystal! It is known as Normalium Z. Now if you let a Pokemon that can use a Normal-type move hold that..." Ilima performed a pose. "And strike an elegant pose like this one... then you'll be able to strengthen a Normal-type move by unleashing Z-Power!" Ilima explained to (y/n) about the Totem Pokemon and then gave her some Great Balls.


"And here, let me see to your Pokemon after all of their hard work in there!" Ilima healed up (y/n)'s Pokemon.

"....Thanks!" (y/n) smiled.

"Now then. I should prepare your brother's trial," Ilima chuckled.

"Now it's my turn to cheer for him!" (y/n) exclaimed. They walked out and went to where Sun was.

"How did it go?" Sun asked.

"I got my first Z-Crystal!" (y/n) cheered.

"Awesome!" Sun smiled.

"Your turn, Sun," Ilima said. Sun nodded and begun his trial. He went over to a den that had a Yungoos and pulled out his Pokeball. Throwing it, he summon his Pokemon.

"A Litten!?" (y/n) gasped. Sun couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yup. You picked Rowlet, and Hau got Popplio. So I decided to go with Litten," Sun said. Sun completed his trial soon after and came back to (y/n).

"How was the Totem Pokemon?" (y/n) asked.

"The Gumshoos was huge!" Sun exclaimed.

"I fought a Raticate!" (y/n) said, looking puzzled.

"There are two different Pokemon in Verdant Cavern. Since (y/n) tuckered out all the Rattata and Raitcate, the Yungoos and Gumshoos took their place." Ilima explained. "If we're done here, I have something interesting I'd like to show you two. Come with me to Route 3." Ilima walked out.

"Shall we?" Sun looked at (y/n).

"Let's go," (y/n) smiled.

Because of Sun's name, I figured it would make sense if he mainly encountered Pokemon from Sun, and the Reader would encounter Pokemon from Moon. 

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