Hau'oli City

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(y/n) woke up and got dressed. She walked out her room.

"Good morning!" She smiled.

"Good morning sweetie," her mom smiled back. "Breakfast is ready, so eat up! You and your Pokemon need to have your bellies full before you set out on your Journey."

"Thanks mom! Where's Sun?" (y/n) looked around the house.

"He is visiting a Trainer's School," her mom replied. "He'll meet up with you soon, don't worry."

"Okay," (y/n) sat at the table, eating her breakfast. Her Rowlet and Pichu were munching on berries. Once (y/n) was done eating, she went into her room, grabbed her bag and put on her hat. She went back out of her room, only to have her Rowlet fly up on to her shoulder. Her Pichu hopped up and sat on her other shoulder.

"Well, I'm off!" (y/n) went to the front door, waving to her mother.

"Have fun! Look after (y/n) for me, Rowlet and Pichu!" (y/n)'s mom waved. (y/n) walked out and was surprised to see Lillie.

"Lillie? What are you doing here?" (y/n) asked.

"I want to accompany you for a while...since I saw Sun head off to the Trainer's School. I figured we could stop by too..." Lillie replied.

"But I don't need to go to school. I have a friend back in Kanto who is a trainer. I've seen her battles, and she even taught me a thing or two," (y/n) said.

"You don't have to participate in the Trainer's School... But I thought it would be nice if we met up with Sun there...Instead of having to wait," Lillie explained.

"That's a great idea!" (y/n) smiled.

"Alright, follow me." Lillie turned around and begin walking. (y/n) followed Lillie, walking next to her.

"What was your friend like in Kanto?" Lillie asked.

"She is really nice. She's a strong trainer and she gave me an egg as a gift when I was about to move to Alola." (y/n) answered.

"What happened to the egg?" Lillie looked at (y/n).

"It's still in my bag. It hasn't hatched yet, but she said it might take awhile because she found it cold," (y/n) said.

"Are you sure it even will hatch?"

"I don't know. Only time will tell," (y/n) shrugged.

"What's your friend's name?" Lillie asked.

"Her name is-"

"(y/n)!" Sun shouted, running over to his sister.

"Sun!" (y/n) smiled at her brother.

"I just got done visiting the Trainer's School. Are you ready to set off together?" Sun rested his hands on his hips.

"Yup!" (y/n) replied.

"How was the school?" Lillie asked.

"It's a nice school. They tried to get me to be a student, so I had to convince them not to," Sun chuckled. The three were walking for a little but, until Lillie stopped walking.

"Oh! I forgot about Tauros," Lillie said. 

"What!?" (y/n) looked at the Tauros that was in the middle of the road. Hala and Hau where there with it.

"Ho! If it isn't (y/n), Lillie and Sun!" Hala turned towards the three. "Sorry for scaring you, friend. I guess it's time I get old Tauros back home. Oh! But why don't you give him a little pat first, (y/n)?"

'Zzrt! He wants you to pet that big ol' Tauros?! If I had a pulse, it's be racing right now!'(y/n)'s Rotomdex exclaimed. (y/n) walked up to the Tauros and pat its head. The Tauros smiled.

"Ha ha ha! You see that? This rascal already loves you! Pokemon become happier when we show them some care. Wa ha ha! Oh the places you'll go, child! And as you do, you will surely meet more Pokemon and people who will enrich your life," Hala walked off with the Tauros.

"The kahunas sure are something, eh?" Hau asked as he waved to his grandpa. "Able to calm a raging Pokemon without even needing to battle... Now that's something! I mean, I like Tauros plenty and all... But it is pretty scary! I don't want to ride on it!"

"I think Tauros are pretty cool!" (y/n) chirped.

"How did it feel to pet it?" Sun asked.

"It felt amazing!" (y/n) beamed.

"So where are you guys off to?" Hau asked.

"I was thinking of showing Sun and (y/n)  around Hau'oli City a bit," Lille answered.

"Nice idea! You're always on top of things, Lillie! They just got to Alola, huh? Then let me tag along too! I wanna go get something good to eat!" Hau smiled, bouncing happily.

"All right. Let's all go together," Lillie nodded.

"Yay!" (y/n) giggled.

"Then what're we waiting for? This way! Come on!" Hau ran off.

"Oh Hau... I guess we should-"

"Ah! Wait up!" (y/n) ran after Hau. Sun sighed and shook his head. Grabbing Lillie's hand, he ran after the two.

"Oh yeah!" Hau stopped running. "Hey, (y/n). Come in here with me. I've got a good idea of something you could do!"

"Okay." (y/n) said, following Hau into the building. They walked up to the lady at the counter.

"Hey, miss. Is it true that you can get some kind of special gift if you have a Rotom Dex?" Hau asked.

"My goodness, you get the new fast! Hardly anyone has a Rotom Dex, but it is true that we have a special item to go with it. It's our very own Poke Finder! Here you go!" The lady said.

"Thanks!" (y/n) smiled.

"Awesome! Isn't that awesome, (y/n)? You got a Poke Finder!" Hau looked at (y/n) before turning towards the lady. "So, like, what's a Poke Finder?"

"The Poke Finder is a tool that lets you take photos of Pokemon. Rotom will help point out places where you'll be able to take photos, too." The lady answered.

"Man, that Rotom Dex is cool! It's like a whole nother partner! I mean, on top of your Pokemon partner!" Hau said. "Oh, but I guess since it's Rotom inside... it pretty much is a Pokemon partner? Either way, you're pretty darn lucky. Meet you outside when you're done in here!" Hau ran out.

"Hey!" (y/n) ran out after Hau.

"Finally....we....both managed....to catch up...." Sun panted.

"We got (y/n)'s Rotom Dex upgraded! Now it can take pictures, too!" Hau smiled.

"I might check it out later," Sun said.

"What a wonderful helper you are, Rotom!" Lillie smiled as she and Sun walked over towards (y/n) and Hau. (y/n)'s Rotomdex hovered back and quickly snapped a picture of the happy group.

"Ahahaha! What was that for, Rotom? Go put that trickster back into your bag, (y/n), and follow me! Enough feasting for the eyes... It's time we take care of our stomachs! We should get Malasadas!" Hau said.

"What's a malasada?" (y/n) asked.


"....No?" (y/n) sweated. Hau grabbed (y/n)'s hand. Sun let out a grunt as he glared at Hau.

"Then I have something to show you!" Hau smiled, completely unaware of Sun.

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