It's Not a Big Problem with Me, Love

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Chapter 4

"It's not a big problem with me, love…"


Gerda placed the last pin in Elsa's hair, securing her bun right into place. After stepping back to assess her work, she placed her hands over her mouth to catch her breath. "Oh, Your Majesty…" she whispered. "You look so beautiful."

She'd really outdone herself… Elsa circled once, taking note of the embroidery Gerda had sewn into the cape, corset, and skirt, and it was absolutely breathtaking, even as a dress for a funeral. "Oh, Gerda…" She couldn't believe how Gerda could have made this dress in such a short amount of time. "That's mostly because of this gorgeous dress… Thank you so much."

Stepping off the pedestal, Elsa took the set of black gloves to match the dress, deciding that the last thing she wanted was to let her powers unleash at her sister's funeral, of all places. "Wish me luck… I need all I can get." It would be the first time the citizens of Arendelle saw Elsa since revealing her powers… How people would react, she really didn't know. But she did know that with Hans there, with his charm and amazing ability to sway any crowd, things would be much easier to handle.

There was a knock on the door. "Your Highness, are you decent?"

Speak of the devil. Ever since the almost-kiss at rehearsal yesterday, things seemed to be a bit awkward between them, not as fluid. Elsa never felt this way, really… Even when she shut Anna out, it didn't feel like this. Like she couldn't redeem herself.

Elsa opened the door, shocked to see Hans look especially debonair in his black suit. "Oh…" One hand clutched tightly at the skirt of her dress. "I didn't know you were still escorting me…" After yesterday, she was sure he had no reason to even tolerate her anymore.

"And leave such a beautiful queen to fend for herself? Not a chance." Hans flashed Elsa a grin, holding his arm out for her.

Slowly Elsa threaded her arm in his, still a bit hesitant about Hans being so open to her. She guessed perhaps yesterday's events didn't faze him much, if at all. Together they slowly made their way down the hall, almost like… well, a couple. Never was it just Elsa nowadays, and rarely was it just Hans. Most of the time they were together—Hans as her benevolent protector, Elsa as the damaged queen with her snow-blanketed kingdom and miserable people.

It was a strange but comfortable fit, to say the least.

Elsa definitely did feel right alongside Hans, but at the same time she felt she would dishonor Anna if she suddenly took interest in Hans like that.

It was too hard to not think about Hans in a romantic manner, not after what happened with him advancing on her, and that kiss that could have happened… Once Gerda hinted that she and Hans fit well together.

"My Lady, you've been spending quite a lot of time with the Prince," she'd observed during a fitting.

Elsa had taken to wearing her old clothes—with a few ice modifications. It was nice to have one of Gerda's dresses made just for her again… "Yes, I have," she'd deadpanned. "He's been helping me adjust to this new Arendelle."

"Permit my observation, My Lady, but I do believe you and the Prince make quite the handsome couple. Reminds me of the King and Queen, Heaven bless their souls," said Gerda, looking up at Elsa with a small, knowing smile.

"That is too bold," Elsa had scolded with a scowl, trying to hide the blush on her face.

"Beg your pardon, My Lady, that was quite rude of me," Gerda had excused herself, then went back to her work.

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