Snakes and Ladders Are Banned in Here, Love

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Chapter 10

"Snakes and ladders are banned in here, love."


It had taken a few days after that encounter Kristoff had in Arendelle for Anna to wake. And he still had no idea how he'd break the news to her.

He'd contemplated different ways of telling her, but when it came to Hans, Kristoff just felt nothing but anger. He didn't kiss Anna—didn't save her—and now he just upped and married Elsa? Just what was he up to? Olaf had only explained that with Hans it didn't work out, and Kristoff was angry enough with him for that as was. He just left Anna to die of a frozen heart.

His fists clenched as he looked over at Anna's sleeping form. When her braids became too mussed, he undid them and that's when he noticed: after a few days of wearing it loose, Anna's hair became pin straight. He didn't know why this fascinated him so, but he loved brushing it out of her face, feeling how soft it really was. With thick blankets up to her chin and her face finally getting some color from being close to the fire, she looked like some sort of sleeping beauty.

But if he kissed her, nothing would happen, he knew. She already had acts of true love to thaw her out and now he just needed to wait.

"Is she up yet?" Olaf called from outside for what seemed like the billionth time today.

"Not yet!" Kristoff called back, moving over to check on the soup he was making for Anna so she'd have something to eat when she woke. He did this every day, not caring if he wasted ingredients (though if she didn't wake he'd end up eating it). Troll magic was keeping her body in check as she thawed, but Kristoff still felt she'd be hungry once she got up.

It didn't bore Kristoff to watch Anna at all. If Pabbie told him he needed to give Anna all his love and attention, then by the gods he was going to do just that.

So when he finally started to notice Anna's eyes flutter open slightly, he actually started to choke up. But he had to be strong—he needed to let Anna see him.

"Anna…?" he asked softly, brushing a hand over her cheek. She was nice and warm in that healthy way… "Anna, can you hear me?"

"Nn…" She stirred more, tossing a bit. Anna finally opened her eyes, blinking as she tried to focus. "Kristoff…?"

"Anna!" Kristoff grinned from ear to ear, then called outside, "Olaf! Sven! Anna's woken up!"

"Olaf…?" Anna was still trying to process everything, and she seemed so confused and out of her element.

"Shh… it's okay, Anna, you don't have to get up immediately," Kristoff assured, stopping her from sitting up too fast. Anna just nodded slowly, leaning up on her elbows instead.

From outside, Kristoff could hear Olaf shouting to the rest of the Trolls this miraculous news. Anna smiled weakly, sighing a bit. Any moment she'd be bombarded, but now…

"Is that soup I smell…?" she asked softly, her voice dry from just waking up.

"Yeah, it's almost done," Kristoff replied with a nod, fluffing up Anna's pillows a bit to make her more comfortable. "I'll get you some as soon as it's done."

Her stomach growled, and Kristoff chuckled a bit. She blushed, patting her midsection slowly. They shared a look, reciprocating awkward-but-understanding gazes toward each other. Kristoff wondered if he should kiss her now that she was awake, but it was probably much too soon to do something like that…

Before he could do or say anything else, though, the entirety of his family clamored in to talk to the newly woken princess.


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