Who Needs a Friend When I've Got You?

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Jump Into the Fog

Chapter 17

"Who needs a friend when I've got you?"


She didn't feel dirty or remorseful. She didn't feel resentment as his hands caressed her hips, as his tongue sloppily worked on her jaw and neck, as she writhed beneath him just like every other time.

Elsa vowed not to fall back into bed with Hans until he told her he loved her, yet here they were. He didn't hold back; he wasn't reserved as he straddled her and she invited him.

Because she was drunk.

There'd been a dinner tonight, where brave enough dignitaries came together to discuss the state of Arendelle and what should be done about this winter since summer was on its way again.

Elsa couldn't bring herself to say anything, since in her heart of hearts she knew this was all her fault, and she gripped her husband's hand with a shaky gloved one as she downed glass after glass of wine just so she had a reason to leave early. Hans took the reins, leading like the benevolent King he was. Yes, he was much better for this kingdom than she could ever be, since he cared so much for her, for the people, for the wellbeing of Arendelle. He took this burden so well; he just seemed so grateful just to be a leader.

Relationships had their ups and downs, she knew. Elsa had to accept Hans for his faults, eventually forgive him for his transgressions against her. He'd been nothing but a loyal husband and King, so shouldn't she try not to accuse him of being so unfeeling toward her? If anything, he'd been even more affectionate, to overcompensate for the one moment where everything could have fallen apart.

She respected that he was trying rather hard. After all, who else would put up with her?

Drunk and silent, Elsa held her head high and looked up at Hans, who just shot her a grin in return.

How could she deny someone so handsome…? Those green eyes were drawing her in again, as was the thought of his lean, muscular body holding her so intimately…

Elsa sighed, finishing off her… well, whatever number glass she was on; she stopped keeping count.

Confused, Hans must have noticed her unease, because the dinner ended earlier than expected, and he took the fall, blaming a headache.

He covered for her irresponsibility… Maybe Elsa was being too hard on him.

"What the hell has gotten into you, Elsa?" he demanded once they were in their quarters. There was a good space between them, she realized. "You can't just drink to solve all your problems. You're lucky we didn't stay out there…"

Swallowing, Elsa shakily shed her gloves, dropping them to the ground. "I-I don't know, I just… it's hard to talk about the state of Arendelle when I've been trying my best to just… I can't thaw what I create! I can just keep them in check… And even then, I can only do that around you. Imagine how hard it is, to have the blame directed at you, to be the scapegoat for everyone's problems. To be too visible to the public."

Sighing, Hans wrapped his arms around Elsa and kissed the top of her head. "I took on this responsibility knowing what I was getting into, Elsa. Never forget that," he reminded. "I'll avert the conversations about you tomorrow. For now, though, let's just get you to bed."

He was so warm… She could feel those muscles flex as he embraced her, and in her clouded state of mind all she could think about was just how good he was.

So she kissed him instead, sloppily. Elsa's arms clasped around his neck, and she could feel him sigh and relax a bit. They hadn't kissed like this since her birthday.

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