I Just Hope It's Your Brains that Splatter, Not Mine

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Jump Into the Fog

Chapter 13

"We feel nothing so jump into the fog.

I just hope it's your brains that splatter, not mine."


Am I getting boring…? Elsa wondered as she panted. Hans rolled off her with a sigh, lazily holding her close, her back to his chest. But Elsa didn't feel tired; apprehension ran through her head so powerfully she didn't even acknowledge the icy feeling in her stomach…

Sex wasn't fun anymore; it seemed like—to Hans at least—an obligation, like he had to be intimate with her just because they were married. Because she was his wife.

Like she was an object, a toy that once brought him joy but now he was tired and worn out with her.

Elsa couldn't explicitly state the problem, and she thought it had something to do with her. It'd been a few weeks since the honeymoon, and since then Hans seemed more interested in his duties than his wife. And of course the kingdom was rather important, but when they were alone and didn't have duties to attend to, Elsa noted that Hans was starting to look for more work to do… Dinners became quiet and tense, and the more Elsa tried to grab his attention, the more he seemed to feel bored with her.

Where were the compliments? The constant assurances of her talents? The gentle touches? It was like she was poison for him now…

Elsa leaned her head back and kissed his cheek as he drifted off, reaching her hand into his hair to hold him closer. She tried being seductive, tried being loving, tried treating him like a king, but nothing was working.

He'd lost interest in her and she didn't know why.

So as she fell asleep, she figured she'd get to the bottom of this…

Over the next few days, Elsa gave Hans his space, thinking maybe the lack of her presence might tempt him to want her again.

It didn't. He treated her the same, as indifferent as ever. She couldn't place it! And the more she stressed out about it, the more her hands started to freeze everything up…

Hans was the catalyst for Elsa controlling her powers. When he built her confidence up, they were in control. And now, while all this worrying was getting to her, she couldn't conceal how she felt. And things were starting to fall apart…

"My Lady, would you like a pair of gloves?" Gerda asked during a fitting, as she noticed Elsa's shaking hands start to manipulate the material of her skirt with her powers.

Elsa shook her head, clutching her hands together tightly. "No, I… I need to get it together—I can control it," she assured with a quavering voice.

Of course, the old maid knew what was up. "You should talk to him," she murmured gently, patting Elsa's shoulder.

"I've tried… but I just… I can't get him to listen." Elsa was taken aback by Gerda's gentility, and she walked off to the corner of the room, feeling overwhelmed as icy tears pricked her eyes and started to fall.

It was all too much… The sex without feeling, the almost automaton way Hans was acting toward her… Elsa had been backed into a corner and she had no idea how to get out. What was she going to do…?

"My Lady—" Gerda started.

"Elsa, please!" Elsa cried instead, feeling strange all of a sudden to know this wonderful elder woman had to address her so formally.

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