You Don't Look That Hygienic, Anyway

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Jump Into the Fog

Chapter 7

"You don't look that hygienic, anyway."


Despite all the changing themes and details of her upcoming wedding, of one thing Elsa was certain.

Hans wanted children.

He never outright said this, but Elsa could tell that's what Hans wanted when he started going off about the future, and whether or not the nursery was still available, and how he loved the sound of small feet against the floor and tiny laughter…

It frightened Elsa to think that one day she could be a mother. What if she wasn't mentally ready, and her powers hurt her own child? Worse yet, what if the child inherited her powers? Elsa could barely keep her own in check! Even now, whenever she stressed out about this, frost and ice started to cover whatever surface her hands were touching.

She wasn't regretting this decision at all, but thinking about this future certainly made the diamond ring on her finger all the more heavier.

Hans, on the other hand, was nothing short of ecstatic, even when Elsa mentioned they were inviting his brothers to the wedding. He certainly seemed much more enthused than when he'd been with Anna… He just loved telling everyone about his "lovely Queen," and how happy he was that Arendelle embraced him as their soon-to-be king with open arms.

And Hans had certainly become much more intimate with Elsa since their engagement. Before now, they'd kiss, yes, but now Hans just seemed so eager to be with her.

Like now, as they were trying to think up a color scheme (Elsa opted for blues and purples, Hans for something warmer), he leaned over, taking her left hand. Already they were sitting relatively close on this sofa before the fireplace, knees gently grazing every once in a while…

"Meet in the middle for a warmer blue…?" he compromised, pressing a kiss to the base of her neck.

Elsa shied away a bit, blushing. She felt so sensitive there… Pressing her legs together tighter, she nodded slowly. "I've just been told blue was my best color…"

"Maybe decorate to represent your beautiful ice palace…?" Hans suggested, only moving his lips upward. Elsa tried to keep her breathing in check, her gloved hands holding onto his bare ones tightly. She noticed lately around her he stopped wearing them while they were together, as she started to wear hers more… His nose brushed gently against the soft curve of her jaw.

"We don't want to make people freeze," Elsa whispered, looking down at just how tightly she was holding onto him. She could feel the trickling of tingles shooting down her spine, the formation of goose bumps travel down her arms, the slight tensing of her body…

"Just a few enhancements," he assured, just moving up, up… His moved one of his hands to enclose around her, gently pulling her closer to him. "Think about it…?"

Elsa just nodded. She supposed she could push Hans away, but it wasn't making her too uncomfortable.

No, it was making her feel good.

And Elsa didn't know how to feel about that. Wasn't that what she was supposed to feel, though?

Suddenly all her read knowledge—about the world, about humans, about emotions—all flew out the window now that she was experiencing such intimate physical contact for the first time. Elsa turned to Hans with a shaky breath, closing the gap between them with a soft kiss.

Immediately Hans placed the papers they were taking notes on to the ground and gave a soft hum, his hands grazing over her hips gently. Elsa leaned up into Hans, her body completely attracted to feeling and wanting more of this, more of him. Mentally she could feel she wasn't ready for such an intimate commitment, but she knew she had to be; they were getting married, after all.

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