Life Tastes Sweeter When It's Wrapped in Debauchery

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Chapter 19

"It's just that life tastes sweeter when it's wrapped in debauchery."


Waiting for Anna's arrival quickly took its toll on Elsa in the coming weeks, much as she tried to deny any stress or fears she might have felt as the hours passed ever so slowly.

The ice that surrounded her more and more told her otherwise, however.

She couldn't take to wearing the gloves again, couldn't risk letting Hans know she was anything other than content and happy, though inside she felt the complete opposite. Ever since that fateful conversation with Hans at the piano, more and more doubts crept into Elsa's mind. Anna's letter constantly reminded her that her oh-so-perfect husband was, in fact, a sociopathic (attempted) murderer and she had the power to expose and dethrone him, if she wanted.

Much easier said than done, especially since once those doubts crept in, a stronger force would assure her Anna was wrong, that Hans would never hurt her—especially not now when they became closer, like right before their pregnancy misunderstanding. They were almost back in that honeymoon phase, with sex prominent nearly every night and plenty of stolen moments in between their duties.

They were finally starting to be happy again. Yet Anna had planted seeds of doubt that only grew over time as Elsa waited for her.

She hated this, hated herself for trying to lay her loyalties with both her husband and her sister when really that was just tearing her apart even more. Hated that this last year just might be a total lie.

Hated that she had such little faith in Anna and in herself.

In these moments, that's when Elsa would find Hans and reveal she wasn't wearing petticoats under her skirts, almost beg him to take her no matter where they were because in these few instances, when all that mattered was finding pleasure and release from the world, she didn't have to worry about her sister's bitterness or her husband's potential lies.

Sex was escapism, and Elsa craved it more than control of her powers these days.

"Feisty little minx," Hans would comment, kissing her neck and shoulders and she could feel the smirk on his face against her skin. "Whatever this change is, my dear, I adore it."

And Elsa would smile, falling asleep as she clung to Hans like she might drift away in the night.

Because, despite the constant sex, she felt more and more emotionally distant from Hans, much as she tried to admit she was happy. Ever since that one encounter, she just didn't feel like she could really talk to him like she used to, though she went through the motions as if nothing was wrong.

And Hans, who could usually read Elsa like a book, said nothing. All he did was do what she asked in their moments together, rule the kingdom, and for the most part, leave her alone.

He either fed off her agony or was only immune to her distress. Elsa didn't know which was worse.

The days passed slowly, the hours leading to Anna's arrival only growing more and more stressful. On the day before, Elsa closed her eyes and pictured it all, perfectly.

Before bed, she was to tire Hans out, without tiring herself out too much. Her husband could be a light sleeper at times but if she did this right, he wouldn't notice anything. Anna was to meet her near the servants' entrance, Elsa would wake silently for a walk, and she would sneak her sister in. In the morning, that was when they would all discuss what to do about the predicament, hopefully come to a peaceful arrangement between everyone… And that was a big if.

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