Someone Like You Could Love a Creep Like Me

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Jump Into the Fog

Chapter 22

“Is it such fantasy that I should think someone like you could love a creep like me?”


            Instead of her sword piercing the chest of the horrid King, Anna was pushed back as her sword struck a sudden block of ice that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

            It did appear out of nowhere, though. Anna knew what her sister was capable of. And she’d joined them on the battlefield.

            Panting, Anna looked over the ice to see her sister, one year after she’d been on the fjord, with Hans ready to throw his sword against her neck.

            And now Elsa was defending him.

            Bastard. He’d won her. And Anna had been so close… What was her sister thinking, especially after she’d sent that letter and after Hans had locked her in her room?

            Her poor, damaged sister… Regal as she looked in her high bun and royal threads, there was still that fear behind her eyes. However, that fear wasn’t for herself, like it so usually was.

            And it was then Anna understood. Her eyes widened; she felt her stomach become queasy at the very thought. She felt dizzy, and she took a moment to collect herself. Hans, at the very least, was still shocked at what his wife had just done.

            Anna still had her sword in her hand, and she clutched it shakily. Kristoff had caught up by now, and he let out a huge sigh of relief.

            He hadn’t wanted this, either.

            No one had wanted death, except her and Hans.

            Anna was no better than him, and that made her sick to her very core.

            But… what now? Elsa would not allow her to hurt Hans, and Anna would never want to hurt her sister. She’d isolated herself from Kristoff, her true love—could she mend that bond?

            Even now, Anna was more confused and angry as ever, and she still had something to address.

            She dragged her feet back toward Elsa and Hans.


            Elsa let out a sigh of relief as her ice wall had successfully blocked Anna’s sword from striking Hans to his doom. She still kept her hands up, shaking as she looked back at her husband, whose eyes were wide.

            They didn’t say anything. But they shared a look. One that communicated everything. Hans was rather grateful—he’d really thought that had been the end.

            And Elsa, finally, was at peace. Sated.

            But there was still her sister to deal with, to explain things to.

            As she set her hands down, the wall soon disappeared after, and Elsa gasped. It was the first time she’d ever been able to really control her powers. But how?

            Hans stood and helped his Queen up, squeezing her hand gently though he still seemed almost frightened over what had happened just now.

            For once, she had the power over him.

            Then again, she’d always had it. Whether or not she would use it… time would only tell.

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