Jump Into the Fog with Me

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Jump Into the Fog

Chapter 6

"It's clear you feel nothing so jump into the fog with me."


Only the dignitaries knew of Hans' false marriage to Anna, and Elsa couldn't help but wonder why they kept their mouths shut, especially when they left for their respective kingdoms just a few weeks after the Duke of Weselton had stormed out…

It could really make a girl suspicious, especially if said girl currently had her lips pressed against the man to which her recently deceased sister was supposedly married. This certainly crossed Elsa's mind a few times (at least once a week after that first encounter), and usually Hans would just make her forget once he was pressed up against her.

She hadn't brought it up since that last rehearsal before Anna's funeral, now that she thought about it…

"Wait, wait…" Much as Elsa wanted to just give in more to Hans, and as much as she wanted to experiment around with just how many positions there were for kissing, it really was bugging her…

"Since when have you had any reservations about this…?" Hans teased, moving his lips down to just behind her ear. With him cornering her against a wall in her office, he definitely had complete control over the situation.

"Hans, I'm serious." Elsa gently nudged him away a bit, looking at him as seriously as she could. "I want to ask you something."

Pulling away a bit, Hans just licked his slightly chapped lips and nodded, keeping his face relatively close to Elsa's. "Ask away, Your Highness…" he murmured.

Taking his face in her hands, she kept that thoughtful look on her face. "If you like me, then why did you decide to be with Anna?" she asked, pouting slightly.

Hans sighed, looking down a moment before meeting Elsa's eyes concernedly. "I thought you wouldn't be open to any idea of romance; I was too hesitant to approach you," he confessed, pressing his forehead to hers. "So I opted for Anna, thinking maybe I'd get along with her better—and I did relate to her quite well, I won't lie. But Elsa… I regret not knowing you then like I do now. And as much as I did love Anna, you're… well, you're mysterious, different. With Anna, things seemed predictable and a bit too rushed."

"Rushed…!" Elsa scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You proposed to her after a few hours of even knowing her!" she pointed out, running a hand through her hair to calm down. "... I'm sorry, I'm sorry… but I still have my qualms about… whatever this is… I feel like I'm dishonoring her, disrespecting her…"

Pulling away more, Hans stared Elsa down, as if he could make Elsa submit by just looking at her. He didn't make a move. Neither did Elsa. But she was already giving in, like she didn't know why she doubted him. She still couldn't help but feel guilty, like she'd stolen her sister's love just like how years earlier she'd stolen their parents' attention.

"Elsa. I explained myself," he said lowly, impatiently. "I explained myself weeks ago. I vowed to protect you, Elsa, on Anna's deathbed. I promised her you wouldn't be unhappy, and all she asked was that you thought back on her fondly."

Maybe she was being too hard on him… Looking down, Elsa realized that if she really did feel horrid for this, she would have addressed the problem the first time Hans kissed her.

Not that she didn't feel bad about seemingly taking Anna's first romantic interest. But her body kept deceiving her mind whenever any thought of how this was wrong ever crept in… No, her body kept getting drawn to him; whenever they were together she physically craved more. Perhaps it was because she'd never touched anyone like this before, or perhaps it was the fact that Hans was indeed quite handsome and charming, but she really couldn't help herself.

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