I Bet They Charge By the Hour Here

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Jump Into the Fog

Chapter 14

"I bet they charge by the hour here…"


"Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining…"

It had to connect back to Elsa, it just had to. Anna stayed eerily silent as she helped scrape snow off the surface of the ice, the only job the ice harvesters had allowed her to do in the beginning, before she actually picked up a pair of tongs and a large block of ice. Her dream was to wield one of the large saws, but she was going to have to take baby steps to get there, as she was just starting up at this.

Kristoff always vouched for her and supported her, no matter how much she struggled. And yes, Anna did expect things to be difficult, but until now she didn't realize just how weak her muscles were. Living in a palace and a lack of sword practice definitely took its toll on her, but now Anna had something to prove, something to fight for.

If she ever faltered, all she could focus on was how angry she was at Hans—her blind rage only drove her to want to do well; she had to do well to save Elsa.

Because chances were, with how long she'd been asleep thawing, Hans had Elsa wrapped right around his finger, bending her into a woman completely devoted to him like a good wife should be. Just thinking about that enraged Anna; she finally picked up the strength to grab a pair of tongs and catch the ice coming down her way.

"Good!" Kristoff had just grabbed a block as well, and he hoisted it up and over his shoulder almost effortlessly. Anna inwardly groaned, but she knew she had to try.

Slowly Anna lifted the ice out of the freezing water and she slowly started to pick it up with shaking hands. So heavy…! But she then thought of Elsa, looking up at Hans with complete devotion, drove her to actually lift the heavy lock up and on her shoulder. Despite how cold the ice was, it felt nice and cool on her back, which was sweating quite profusely.

Kristoff stayed behind and encouraged Anna on, going at her pace to the sled (which wasn't Kristoff's, but they'd cut out a deal with one of the harvesters, so they'd make a cut of his earnings for helping out). She could do this… Her muscles ached, and all Anna waned was to sit for a minute, but she knew she had to do this, because she needed to be ready for whatever obstacle she might come across to get Elsa back. While she was sure Olaf would get to Elsa, would it be in good time…? It'd been a good eight to nine months since Elsa's coronation. A good eight to nine months if Hans bending Elsa to what he wanted: a queen who would do anything for him, who was completely devoted to him.

Hans tamed the Ice Queen. He'd taken the time to comfort a devastated Elsa, made her think he was the only person for her, and now here they were. Hans got exactly what he wanted, and all Anna thought was how much he didn't deserve it. He was willing to murder, willing to destroy his wife physically and mentally.

That gave Anna the will to dump the block onto the back of the horse-drawn sled, and Kristoff patted her back with a large grin. "Really great, Anna!" he complimented, and Anna couldn't help but smile in return.

These days Kristoff was the only person who could make her smile.

"I try…" Anna shrugged, knowing that she could have done better. But the praise was just too nice. Never did Anna think she could be mad at Kristoff.

And the more he praised her, the more motivated she was. Anna sighed, running a hand through her hair, damp with sweat. Aching, tiring, draining…

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