What A Great Achievement It Was

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Chapter 9

"What a great achievement it was to get a hotel room this late."


The more time passed, the more Elsa couldn't keep her hands off of Hans. More than once his brothers jeered at the newlyweds to get a room, and Elsa was seriously considering it.

She didn't want to seem desperate, though.

It was kind of difficult to keep her urges to herself, though, especially when the party died down a bit and Hans was starting to be a bit more obvious about his desires as well.

What sent Elsa over the edge, though, was when Hans put her on display in the middle of the Great Hall for the garter toss. She'd totally forgotten about the small piece of fabric encircling her right thigh, and if it weren't such a tradition, she wouldn't have subjected herself to it.

Then again, now that she was a bit drunk, and plenty aroused, it definitely seemed like a good tease before they retreated to their new bedroom. So Elsa chuckled, drink in hand as she sat back in the chair Hans procured in the middle of the dancing floor.

The crowd whistled and hooted as Hans gently parted Elsa's legs and his head disappeared underneath her skirt. She tuned it all out, biting the inside of her lip tightly as it turned out, Hans wanted to take his sweet time pulling the garter off her leg. No, his lips and tongue made sure to leave long, lingering kisses and slow licks on her thigh. It felt like blaze against her skin, it was so hot. Elsa curled her toes tightly to keep from moaning, and she could feel her breathing become shallow, her heart beating right in her ears like a pounding metronome.

She wanted him to move up; she wanted him to move back. Why weren't they in private yet, again…?

"So, little brother, is that garter on too tight or are you eating her out under there?" Halstein, the fourth brother (and as of right now, the most inebriated), commented rudely.

A blush crawling up her face as everyone chuckled nervously, Elsa finally felt Hans' teeth graze against the material and her leg, and finally he slipped the garter off with just his mouth. She smiled shyly at her new husband as he shot her a smirk to confirm their little secret, and the single men crowded around Hans as Elsa pressed her legs together again.

One of Hans' nephews caught it; Elsa barely noticed, because inside she was still reeling.

There was no denying just how much she wanted him now. But it was strange, she felt completely ready to let him take her, yet at the same time she felt once they were alone, her fears would get the better of her, like with the cake…

No, her mind was made. This party was over.

And a private one was on the brink of beginning…


"You are so sexually repressed it's adorable," Hans commented as he scooped Elsa up effortlessly. Finally he was leading her to their new room, following the tradition of carrying the bride through the threshold of where they'd reside.

Elsa just wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, kissing him softly. "Then what do you call everything you just pulled back there…?" she asked against his lips, trying to control her heartbeat, just a bit.

"Foreplay," Hans answered simply, and Elsa pulled back, confused. She'd never heard that term before.

Catching on, Hans chuckled as he kicked the door open slightly to carry her through to the room before kicking it back shut. "You'll find out what it means," he assured as Elsa kicked her heels off to the rug underneath his feet.

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