Because There's Not an Ounce of Faith in This Leap

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Chapter 11

"So drop your map, drop your plans, drop that five-step program because there's not an ounce of faith in this leap."


The first time Elsa went down on Hans was the night he officially became King of Arendelle.

Now, he'd never stated outright that's what he wanted her to do—especially since she was so new to the act of sex—but still… it was rather nice. Not perfect, obviously, but his wife could have been so much worse. And one thing Hans observed, from the few times he and Elsa had consummated this union: Elsa was a naturally sexual person. Evidently her body knew what felt pleasurable, but he couldn't explain it—the way she arched into him, the way she looked… it just drove him crazy.

Needless to say, with Anna, Hans knew he definitely wouldn't enjoy himself this much. It was at this moment that he was really glad he'd chosen Elsa over being alone.

Everything was going completely according to plan… He had both Elsa and Arendelle right in the palm of his hand, but it wasn't until the crown was put on his head and the whole kingdom rejoiced that he truly felt like he won. His entire being just held itself a bit higher; he physically felt as giant as a king once he'd been dubbed the title.

Elsa beamed over at him during the whole ceremony, and every once in a while Hans would shoot her a wink or a smile. With him around (since on the outside he "trusted" Elsa), no one saw the Queen as a monster anymore, even with the winter storms still howling around them and how she was easily singlehandedly responsible for this terrible weather. His influence became that strong in his new kingdom.

And once he was announced as king, and once everyone celebrated, and once the party afterward quickly died (his wedding reception had been far more fun, especially with all the teasing he'd gotten away with), he and Elsa wandered hand in hand toward their quarters. They were slightly inebriated, giggling the whole way when Hans caught Elsa tripping over her skirts a few times, and when he stumbled into the wrong room more than once.

But once back in their comfortable room, the air became slightly more serious. With only the roaring fire as their source of light, intimacy took over the atmosphere. By now they both knew how this night would end—both of them panting, a mess of sweaty limbs entangled with each other, falling asleep in the afterglow of another round of incredible sex. And by now his hands were on her waist, and hers… well, Hans was surprised when he pulled away from their kiss to see her undressing… herself. Usually she was too reserved for that. But Hans had to admit this was nice. She was starting to come out of her shell a bit. Hell, the last time the servants came in to clean while they were still naked in bed she barely bat an eyelash.

"I want to try something different," she murmured, throwing her cape and bodice to the ground. Hans got the idea and did the same to his gloves and coat.

Smirking, he just nodded and leaned in for a kiss, helping her undress as quickly as possible. "How so…?" he asked against her lips, pressing her hips right against his groin. She was turning him on so much right now…

After a moment, Elsa took Hans by surprise when she pushed him up against the bed, then sat him on the turned-down sheets, their lips still locked. He didn't know what exactly was responsible for this change, but oh gods did he love it. He just hummed into the kiss, his pants becoming more confining. He just knew Elsa could be sexy; he just had to push her to become this poised.

This time she pulled away, kissing a trail down his neck. Shaky but deft hands undid his vest and shirt, pushing them off his shoulders as her lips moved down, down… Oh my, Hans loved where this was going, and he hoped Elsa took it that far…

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