- fifteen -

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.:: chapter fifteen - derelict ::.


"Tyler, why is this delinquent in your room, and why are you kissing!" Ruth shouted, her eyes filling with rage as she took in the scene unfolding in front of her, Tyler could hear Josh scoff and mutter something under his breath, but he wasn't really focusing on that. He was focusing on the fact that his mother was being so harsh towards him.

"Mama, Joshie isn't a d-delinquent. He's nice to me." He sadly spoke, leaning into Joshua's warm touch as the taller boy rubbed Tyler's back in a comforting way.

"He egged our house on Halloween, and pissed on our lawn!" She shouted, making Tyler jump back into the boy's chest.

Raising his two hands up Joshua said, "In my defense, I didn't egg your house, my friends may have but I didn't. Your car, now that's a different story, and to be fair, I was watering your grass." Josh said, with a smug smile following afterwards.

"You spray painted a dick onto my sidewalk!" Ruth added on.

"Technically that's government property and you have no proof that, that was me." He shrugged.

Ruth groaned loudly and walked to grab her son by the arm to drag him away from the boy. Tyler let out a whimper in pain and struggled to get out of his mothers death grip. "You're h-hurting me mama! Please let go!" He cried loudly. This angered Joshua, and he made a move to grab Tyler away from his mother.

Once Josh got him out of her grip, the brunet turned to hug the older boy, sticking his face into his warm chest.

"Don't you ever, touch him like that!" Josh growled, staring at Ruth, and if looks could kill she'd be six feet under.

"Tyler Robert if you don't get away from that boy this second, I will not hesitate to throw out all your things and kick you out of my house." She yelled, and that's when Cara was walking through the doors of Tyler room, taking in the situation at hand.

Tyler's shaking body, and loud cries filling her vision and breaking her heart completely.

"Really mom?" Cara asked with a whisper, her eyes tearing up from her younger brothers crying and her mom threat.

Ruth said nothing, and that made Cara ten times more angry than what she was.

"Are you fucking serious! He's your son and you want to just throw him out just because he's actually trying to live a fucking normal life! Why is it such a big deal if he wants to be around Josh?" The older brunette shouted, standing next to Josh who was trying to calm down Tyler.

"Are you insane Cara! That boy has been to jail, the cops know his name! All my life I've been trying to keep him away from bad things and it's happening right under my own nose! He's never going to be the type of guy Tyler needs in his life, and I can't believe you're too stupid to realize that. I don't know how you could've gotten into college if you can't comprehend something this simple." She said, glaring at her daughter who scoffed.

"You know what mom, yeah the cops may know Josh's name, and yeah he may not be the best influence for Tyler but guess what? He needs to be able to live his life like a normal teenager and mess up sometimes. He's never going to learn how tough life is if we keep it from him. So what if Joshua's breaks his heart? Personally I don't think he would, but if he did, we're supposed to be the ones to comfort him afterwards! We're supposed to pick up the pieces when their broken! And he's supposed to learn from his mistakes, but if you can't accept your son being a teenager then kick him out I dare you. If he goes I'm going too, and you don't have to head a damn word from either of us." Cara said, gaining control over the situation. Ruth's attitude faltered a bit, but then she simply said two words.

"Get out." And that's what Cara planned to do.


"Look I'm sorry for causing your mom to kick you out." Josh said, as Tyler laid fast asleep in his lap with his head pressed against Joshua's neck. Little breaths of air escaping from his mouth since his nose was too stuffy to breathe out of.

"It's fine. Once I tell dad, he'll probably talk some sense into her. Josh, I know you care for my brother, I can see it. You've known each other for a while now, and I've caught on to your nightly sneak overs, and I've heard you two talking at night. Tyler's very fragile, so just promise me you won't hurt him." Cara softly spoke, staring out the window of Joshua's bedroom, and glancing over at Tyler's sleeping frame every now and then.

"I promise you." Josh said, craning his neck to admire the sleeping beauty pressed against him.

Cara sighed and kissed her brothers forehead, before leaving Joshua's room and heading to their guest room. After hours of arguing with his parents, and Sophia finally listened. Josh was given permission to allow Cara and Tyler to stay the night.

With a sigh, Joshua shook his head at the thought of Tyler's own flesh and blood could just kick him out, and harm him in anyway. Picking up the brunet who sat peacefully in his lap, he walked him over to the left side of the bed and tucked him in beneath the blankets. Tyler shifted in his sleep, stretching out and slowly opening his eyes.

"Joshie?" He questioned, peeking up at the pink haired boy with hooded eyes.

"Yes my love?" He asked softly, leaning down to push his hair out of his face.

"Lay with me?" He said in a questioningly tone.

Joshua chuckled and nodded his head. "Of course." He whispered before pulling off his shirt, and throwing on a pair of sweatpants. Slipping underneath the covers, Josh wrapped his arm around Tyler's waist and pulled him closer to his body.

He made a noise in content and shut his eyes hoping for a better day tomorrow.


please don't fight me ! things are going to get better, i swear ! i'm still deciding what i want to do with tyler's mom but i have a happy plot twist with tyler's dad.

it's going to be great, so don't you worry about anything because i've got this ! also thank you so much for getting this #214 in fanfiction, really means a lot to me :)

|-/ shay xx

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