Chapter 1

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The group was kneeling down in a line, sobs and sniffles were heard lightly. Negan walked over towards me "who's next?..." He asked I scowled "not you beautiful..." He said stroking my cheek Daryl then stood up and punched Negan. "Now... That shit will not be tolerated!" He said. Before I knew it Negan beat Glenn to death... Since Maggie and I were really close it was hard for me to see her like that.

Then reality hit me... Everything was moving in slow motion then Negan bent down in front of me "don't cry darlin... " he said holding my chin lightly. He then got back up "the first ones free... I told you I wasn't taking any of that shit..." He said "Daryl... He will get punished for that..." Maggie sobbed lightly I tried comforting her as best as I could...

Glenn was gone... Abraham was gone... Rick... He's being a little pussy... None of this would've happened if Rick wasn't a fuckin idiot... "Now!" Negan said snapping me out of my thoughts "she's mine!" He said pointing at me "you're mine!" He said pointing at Rick "and don't think any different!" Then his men picked me up and escorted me to the Rv. I looked at everyone kneeling in a row like ducks. I then see Glenn and Abrahams disfigured corpses.

I heard faint talking and I saw Rick almost cut Carl's arm off but Negan stopped it. He then walked over towards the Rv as if it were over. I was then tossed into the Rv, I fell on my back. Seconds later Negan walked in and extended his hand for me to take.

I took it hesitantly "see hon I'm not all that bad... Once you get to know me I'm a pretty fair guy..." He said I sat down at the little booth, He sat across from me. The Rv then started moving slowly then picked up in speed. Negan stared out the window admiring the view. My eyes wandered the Rv stopping at him, he was very attractive his dark brown hair was greased back perfectly his brown eyes were cold yet beautiful.

"See something you like, doll?~" he asked I blushed then looked away he leaned over the table his face inches away from mine "speak when spoken to beautiful" he said forcefully kissing me I didn't hold back he then released slowly.

I then slapped him he looked down then smirked "damn! that turns me on!... That made me want you even more!" He said sitting back still smiling "why don't you come sit on my lap... And we'll see where things go?" He asked I looked at him disgusted then looked out the window. "Don't worry darlin... You'll learn to love me... Just like the others..." He said.

I was then intrigued "others?" I asked confused "my wives... I'm not forcing them into it... They just don't want to do anything bad... Every day I get to screw one of my hot wives... But I think I've finally found someone to take there place" he said chuckling.

I crossed my arms "what are you going to do with me anyway?" I asked raising my eye brow "don't worry hon... You're in for some surprises! maybe... If you're a good girl you'll become my queen~" he said, right now... That doesn't sound so bad... Then the Rv stopped "come on hon... Let me show you around" he said giving me his arm to take. I took it lightly and he smiled at me.

"I like you already!" He said "touch me and I'll end you..." I said fiercely "I'm not scared of a little girl... But that sure does make you sound fucking hot... I don't know how much longer I can hold it in..." I rolled my eyes. We walked into the large building he showed me the cells where Daryl was and his room. It was a large elegant room with a soft bed.

"You'll be staying here with me" he said  my eyes widened "is there any other place?" I asked "well you could go in one of those shit hole cells" I sighed and sat on the bed. "Don't worry hon... You'll be fine..." He said kneeling down in front of me "I promise..." He then kissed me once again. He then got up and left I waited until I could no longer hear his whistling or footsteps.

I then began sobbing, I cried until I fell asleep...


It was a bright sunny day... No walkers... No care... Just me and my group... Maggie was smiling Glenn had his baby... It was amazing... Then we heard the growls everyone stood up and started shooting, Glenn took Maggie and the baby and hid... It was a nightmare.

Everyone then started getting eaten by walkers... There was no stopping it... I then got engulfed by a crowd and everything went black...


I woke up in a hot sweat new tears stained my cheeks I felt someone stroking my hair lightly. "It's okay baby... I got you..." Negan said quietly stroking my hair lovingly. I turned over and fell back asleep.... I woke up once again to the sound of yelling I bolted up and rubbed my eyes...

I walked towards the yelling to see Negan yelling at Dwight "w-what's going on?.." I asked quietly negans attention snapped towards me he grabbed my arm and walked aggressively towards the room. He slammed the door shut and threw me on the bed. He crawled in between my legs pinning me down.

He kissed me roughly "I've been through a lot of stress... I need to let off some steam if ya know what I mean~" he said chuckling low. I blushed but struggled under his grip "no... No!" I yelled I then got out of his grip and scurried to the other side of the bed where I brought my knees up to my chest.

"Why don't you go fuck one of your wives, and leave me alone!" I yelled he was shocked to hear me say something like that. Then he began to speak "you are adorable! don't test your luck with me hon... I like you because you're a badass... But you can no longer get away with that shit!... I will go bang one of my hot wives... ONLY because I know it's eating you up inside" he said with a smile.

He then chuckled and walked out of the room. I sighed and stood up I straightened my clothes and fixed my hair. I then went to walk around, I met up with Dwight. He went wide eyed and came to confront me "what're you-" I then interrupted him...

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