Chapter 6

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I grabbed Jesus' hand tightly as I held my side in pain we ran out of the factory without being noticed... Jesus then picked me up bridal style and carried me as I was beginning to drag him down. "Don't worry there will be a doctor..." He said sweetly.

We arrived at a large wall he had someone open the gate. Once we got inside I was immediately attacked with hugs Maggie was there and Sasha... Rick Daryl michonne... It was great to see them... I've always liked Jesus.. Maybe even a bit more than a friend. He was always there for me at the beginning of Alexandria I always hoped that he liked me back... Then Negan came and fucked everything up.

Once everyone was done greeting me Jesus took me to the doctor. The doctor disinfected my wound and gave me a new bandage he then left Jesus and I alone, I sat on the soft cushioned table. " he didn't hurt you... Did he?" Jesus asked I sat there unable to speak then I lightly cried. Jesus hugged me tightly he knelt down to my height squeezing my hands gently.

"It's okay... You're with me now... I will not let him hurt you..." He said which made me sob even more "b-but... He'll find... M-me and hurt you!" I sobbed "no! he won't... Everything will be okay..." I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes and blushed he held my chin lightly and kissed me softly yet passionately.

Negan would be pissed if he ever found out. We broke the kiss and I smiled a genuine smile that I haven't done in a while he wiped the tears off my cheeks lightly. "Let's go home and get you something to eat..." He said grabbing my hand lightly "home?" I asked he smiled. "Home... With me" he said. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him tightly.


"Darlin~" I called out in my room I heard nothing no response no crying... Just silence. I walked in she wasn't laying in bed... All that remained was a slightly messy unmade bed and tear stained pillows. I strutted down the hall angrily yelling for my men.

"FIND HER! I DONT CARE HOW!" I yelled swinging Lucille around violently. I will not stop searching for her, I will hurt or kill anyone that stands in my way...


It was a bright beautiful sunny day I sat up in the bed I shared with Jesus. I felt next to me to feel it cold and empty, he's already up... I dangled my legs over the side of the bed and stepped down letting the cold touch my feet.

I walked out of the room zombie like and walked around in the large house trying to find Jesus. I stopped once I had heard arguing. "Come on..." I heard a familiar voice I was hoping I wouldn't hear "I know you have her!" Negan practically yelled breaking something with what I assumed was Lucille, I squealed quietly covering my mouth. I continued listening from the other side of the door "I have no idea where she could be..." Jesus said clearly lying.

"Well... If you don't know where she is... Then I'd like to send a message..." Negan said grimly I heard struggling and I immediately pushed open the door within impulse. "Stop..." I said quietly Negan stopped and stared his face lit up.

I looked down to see a beaten up Jesus his face bloody "n-no..." He muttered "princess!" Negan yelled making his way toward me. He stood infront of me "I began thinking that I wouldn't be able to find you..." He said smiling insanely. He went to stroke my face  with the back of his hand I winced as I thought he would've slapped me. "No need to be scared..." Stroking my face lightly "but... We do have to talk about this when we get home..." He said I backed away from his touch.

"Home?.. T-that's not my home.." I said as Negan inched toward me with every step I took. I then hit a wall "I hate to break it to ya... But it is your home" he said roughly grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the house followed by his men Jesus close behind.

"Take there shit..." Negan yelled to his men as he threw me into the truck I sat I between him and Dwight. I crossed my arms the truck began moving slowly and accelerated in speed. I was so fed up with this hole thing... I rather die then go back with him.

I take a deep breath my hands were shaking vigorously Negan noticed "nervous darlin?" He asked I shook my head "no... But you should be" I then grabbed the steering wheel and pulled it violently making it swerve off the road I shove Dwight's face into the glass and he grew unconscious.

I hopped over Dwight and opened the door as I was about to step out Negan grabbed my hair and pulled me back "where are you going so soon?" He asked sharply "hopefully... To hell" I spat punching him in the face multiple times until he let go of my hair to stop the bleeding.

I got out of the truck and sprinted into the nearby forest armed with nothing but rage... I sprinted into the forest letting cold tears stream down my warm face. I got tired and sat down against a tree I let out a loud shriek of pain and guilt. I sat there for a while with my head in my knees listening intently for anything I then heard footsteps.

I hid behind the tree and put my arms around the mans neck....

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