Chapter 8

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It was getting late, Morgan and I decided to go pester carol in the night time just in case. We snuck out of the kingdom with no sign of King Ezekiel. We walked for a while until we made it to a small cute house. Morgan knocked on the door a tired looking Carol answered.

She looked shocked but immediately hugged me "c-come in... I-I'll make some tea" she said happily. Taking my hand and escorting me inside we sat down at the kitchen table she put a kettle of water on the stove and lit a match.

She sat down and it went silent "so.." She said breaking the silence "where've you been?" She asked sweetly "well.. I've been held captive by Negan... Got shot... And right now I'm in an emotional state in which I have trust issues..." I breathed.

"I am so sorry..." She said "well Atleast we have you back now... " she said then the tea kettle whistled loudly. It was a nice sound to be heard... I took for granted everything I had before... But now? Now it's a luxury just to have some chocolate...

Carol set the cup of tea infront of me the tea bag sticking out. "Sugar? Honey?.." She asked I shook my head. "Carol... Something big is coming. Negan-" I then stopped tears threatening to fall she comforted me "Negan killed Glenn and Abraham" she covered her mouth as tears slowly fell down her soft cheeks. "Rick is trying to rally everyone... And me? I'm here hiding from Negan.." Then we heard footsteps from outside and the door burst open.

Carol stood up "what're you doing here?" She asked aggressively "listen lady I just came for the girl..." It was Dwight "well you sure as hell cant have her!" Carol said reaching for her shot gun cocking it.

"Carol No!" I said standing In between the two. "I'll go..." I said staring down at the floor regretfully "quietly this time? No shit?" He asked "no shit..." I sighed. I hugged Carol tightly "don't fight them, please..." I said kissing her cheek lightly.

Dwight grabbed my arm roughly and dragged me to his bike. "Negans going to be glad I found you... He got on the Bike and I got on after him I held onto him tightly, I watched the house disappear slowly in the darkness.

We got to the warehouse I got on to be greeted once again by a giddy Negan. "where'd you find this one Dwight?" Negan asked smiling maniacally "found her walking down the road" Dwight lied bluntly "thank you Dwight you will be rewarded generously..." He said grabbing my arm roughly and leading me into the warehouse. We got to his room and he practically threw me on the bed.

He pulled down my jeans and spanked me hard. I let out a small squeal of pain "you've been a very, very bad girl~" he purred spanking me once again I held onto the bed he spanked me two more times harder than the last.

I knew there will be a mark the next day it burned. He then flipped me over and pinned me climbing ontop of me. He then kissed me roughly "you don't know how long I've been waiting to kiss you again... You really need punished darling~" he purred. Then the door swung open "sir... We need to disc-" he then stopped looking at my pathetic form.

"What is it?" Negan asked annoyed staying in the position he was in "er... I uh... We need to discuss something of utter most importance.." He said blushing lightly. "What the hell did I say about interrupting me? love, go play with Eugene..." He said sighing.

"And don't think about escaping we have tighter security ever since that incident" he said grabbing Lucille and exiting the room. I stood from the bed and pulled my pants up feeling tired and exhausted. Why the hell is Eugene here? Is he being held captive? I then quickly opened the door and made my way down the corridor trying to navigate my way to find Eugene.

I heard video games being played loudly and guessed that that must be him. I opened the door and called out "Eugene! Man I am so glad to see someone I can relate too... We need to get out of here-" he then interrupted me " No we do not. I am happy in the position I am, I am not afraid to tell Negan about your conspiracy to leave." Eugene said.

I sighed "then you can go fuck yourself... Who do you think he's going to believe huh?" I asked putting my hands on my hips. He actually thought about it "he'll believe me because last time I checked you have escaped from him, what 2 times now?" I stared at the video game mesmerized "Wow Eugene!.. You're such a douchebag... I'm going to go find Dwight..." I said walking out of his room.

Dwight was already waiting for me "oh! Hi!" I said surprised Dwight then shoved me up against the opposite wall and held my hands behind my back. "I'm sorry... Under strict orders..."He shoved me into a cell and chained me to the wall. My feet were dangling but my arms were shackled separately.

"Fuck you Dwight!" I yelled as he shut the door "I can't believe this... I honestly can't believe this!" I mumbled to myself "What happened to being in a civilized society?! This is very degrading and I deserve my rights!" I yelled for the past hour I've been complaining and bickering but no one seems to pay any attention.

I then got silent and began humming quietly for a while. The darkness engulfed me, how did Daryl do this for so long? It's killing me... Then I heard the door open and someone stepped in "There she is... My beautiful princess..." It was Negan "what the fuck-" he then slapped me "don't speak to me like that doll... " he then got closer to me letting his hand fall on my waist "you've been very bad... This is your punishment... After all those times I just let you off... After the way I let you into my home... You ungrateful slut!" He hissed hitting next to me hard with his bat.

He then slicked back his hair "Negan I-I'm sorry..." I said looking into his beautiful eyes "your apology is accepted... However" he said pushing himself up against me "you look really fucking hot when you're in distress... Since I didn't get to have my way with you for Atleast a week... I was thinking that maybe we could catch up..." He said attacking my neck. The heat between my legs was becoming unbearable, damn he turned me on. He knew just what to say... I hate to admit this but I missed him.... I missed this... He then stopped "I'm going to make you suffer... Just like how you made me suffer..." He said kissing me once more then unshackling me.

I rubbed my wrists and hugged him tightly "I am so sorry!" I said sobbing onto his leather jacket "don't start crying..." He said picking my face up with his hand "you're a badass remember?" He chuckled exiting the cell leaving me standing there.

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