Chapter 12

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The gates opened to Alexandria revealing rick and his army prepared for battle. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way..." Negan started. I zoned out Rick demanded to see Sasha alive. Once the coffin opened everyone saw that she had died, she was nothing anymore. Just a lost walker. The walker attacked Negan trying to get a bite of him.

A gun shot was then fired. I dropped to the ground and hid behind the truck we were in. I glanced over to see that Dwight had the same idea. "Dwight!" I said happily "hand me a gun. Please! I want to help!" I yelled.

At first he hesitated then he handed me a small hand gun. I jumped out from behind the truck and began shooting randomly, I had to find Negan. The gun fire then stopped, I looked around to see that everyone was huddled around Negan.

I ran over to him and hugged him tightly not caring who saw. Negan was threatening to kill Carl. At this point there was nothing I could possibly do to make him stop. I watched as rick looked defeated. Just then Shiva came out of nowhere and started to attack one of the saviors. The kingdom has come, a small smile crept upon my face.

Negan grabbed my hand and we ran to find cover. "Where the hell did they get a tiger?!" He yelled angrily as we finally made it back to the truck. Negan got in the drivers seat and we quickly left flipping off the people of Alexandria as they continue shooting at us.

Tension rose in the air, Negan did not seem happy at all. Finally Negan spoke "This is Fine. We just have to come at them next time with everything we've got." Negan said trying to calm down. I reached out to touch his arm "Negan-" he then interrupted me. "No really it's fine." He hissed.

I pulled my arm back as we sat silently the rest of the way home. Once we got home Negan was relaxed, a little too relaxed which worried me. We got out of the truck and Defeatedly walked back to the sanctuary.

~Time skip~

A few days passed now. The sanctuary has been taking the defeat hard. This morning I was woken up by a grumpy Dwight. He ushered me into a small meeting room. Dwight, Gregory, Regina, Simon, Negan and I awkwardly sat around a metal table away from everyone else.

No one wanted to speak, Negan looked triumphantly at us. He then hit Lucille off the table. "This is why I need to be here. All you pussies not speaking up, not doing anything to benefit the sanctuary." I rolled my eyes. "Why're you still here Gregory? Simon has high hope for you." Negan finished. Gregory stuttered "come on. Just tell him what you told me. Make him believe you." Simon said trying to rally up Gregory.

Gregory sighed and finally said "The hilltop is mine. They all have to listen to me because I'm their leader." He stated pridefully. I saw him lying through his teeth Negan chuckled "Alright. If you say so. You may be of use to us in the future." Just as Negan said that then we heard gunfire. Everyone ran out of the room and stood outside of the sanctuary.

Rick was there with a group of people prepared to fight. Negan smiled victoriously "People of the Hilltop! If you don't listen to me you won't be allowed back inside my walls! So, back down now... leave!" Gregory yelled. No one left, they were loyal to Maggie. This immediately changed Negans  view on Gregory.  "Lieutenants, I'm giving you an option to stand down, I only want Negan." Rick yelled. Negan still smiled, no one left Negans side. Then the gunfire started again. I shoved Negan to a small piece of scrap metal for shelter. "Oh my god! Are you okay?" I asked sweetly trying to make sure he was okay.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just go. Go into the sanctuary. This place needs a good leader while I'm gone." Negan said smiling at me as he held onto me. "Where are you going?" I asked "I'm just gonna be gone for a little while, don't worry about me, darling. I promise everything will be okay. They only want me, I've been in this shit too long to die now. I love you (F/N)." He said kissing me passionately.

"I love you too Negan. Please be careful." I said as I got up and ran towards the doors avoiding the gunfire. I slammed the door and ran up to the meeting room. Everyone was already sitting in there except Gregory. "What happened to Gregory?" I asked "that little bitch lied to me. We no longer need him." Simon said (lol.).

"So... what're we gonna do now?" Eugene asked. "I don't know! You're Supposed to be the smart one!" Regina yelled at him. Then everyone started yelling at each other. They needed authority. Someone to take control of the situation.

"Everyone shut up! We need to work together! I'm Negan." I stated everyone became quiet. "We just have to keep everything calm and orderly. I'm sure Negan is fine. But till then. I am in charge." I said raising my voice.

No one objected they all just stared at me waiting for me to order them to do something. "Go out there and calm everyone down! Can't you hear them?" I asked as loud conversation can be heard through out the halls of the sanctuary.

We all left the room and stood out in the corridor as there was a small group of concerned people. "Where is Negan?" One woman asked. "He's going to come back." I reassured the woman.

Eugene kept staring at Dwight as if he killed someone. The crowd became impatient Regina resorted to using violence. "Where's Negan?!" The crowd asked more aggressively "I'm Negan." Regina shouted pushing people back. Just then we heard loud whistling.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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