Chapter 7

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"Who are you and what do you want?!" I demanded "(F/N)... It's me..." I then recognized the deep soothing voice to be Morgan! "M-morgan?" I asked letting the man go tears prickling the corner of my eyes he towered over me and smiled gently.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked, I hugged him tightly tears streaming down my face "n-Negan... I hate him!" I yelled into his shirt "settle down its going to be okay... I'll take you back to the kingdom..." He said letting me go. We walked silently towards "the kingdom" neither of us spoke in fear of being heard by walkers or worse... People.

We arrived at a small town it was very dark outside so everything seemed like a blur. Morgan escorted me towards his room "you can stay in here... We'll talk to King Ezekiel in the morning... Right now you need some rest..." He said.

I sat down on the bed as he turned to leave "wait..." He stopped dead in his tracks "where will you sleep?" I asked sweetly "don't worry about me I'll find somewhere!.. Now get some rest or you might miss breakfast" he said with a smile, he shut the door carefully behind himself.

I got under the covers of the warm bed, Breakfast sounds really good right about now... I then began drifting off to sleep... The next morning I was woken up by a long brown haired boy. "Wake up..." He said awkwardly poking me lightly. I bolted up and reached for something to hit him with, the only thing I could grab ahold of was a brush. "Who are you?" I asked skeptically. "Put the brush down then I'll talk to you..." He said raising his hand in defense I set the brush down.

"I am Benjamin... Morgan told me to come wake you... It's time for breakfast" I got out of bed without saying another word and followed him to the dinner hall. I was starving I ate ferociously like a lion on a gazelle "slow down there... We do have more food" he said chuckling I was not in the mood for his commentary.

I finished eating and took a sip of my orange juice "where's Morgan?" I asked aggressively "I'm going to be meeting him after-" he started I interrupted him "take me with you" I said monotone he didn't object just picked up my tray and took it into the kitchen then returned shortly after and gestured me to follow.

He then started rambling on about air conditioners and things I don't have time for... I began thinking, why was Morgan out so late anyways? We then made our way to a small pavilion where Morgan sat on the stairs. "how did you sleep?" He asked standing up as he saw me "i slept fine... Take me to this 'King'..." I said Morgan nodded. He lead me to a theatre we walked through the doors to see a man sitting in a throne with a tiger.

"welcome" the man said "I am-" I interrupted him "yes, yes... King Ezekiel... This shit is stupid..." I said crossing my arms defiantly. Why am I refusing to act so polite you may ask? because I like to make a first impression... "That's no way to speak to a king..." Ezekiel said "I'm sorry your majesty..." I mocked "but I'm in some tough shit right now and would really appreciate some help..." I said getting to the point.

"Ah yes... You're the one Negan is after... Fortunately the saviors have never stepped foot in the kingdom... You may stay here as long as you please... Under one condition... Your attitude must change" he finished dramatically I rolled my eyes "of course I shall..." I mumbled bowing then turning to leave "good morrow fair maiden..." I heard him call to me I waved my hand towards him.

I walked out of the theatre the warm sunlight tickling my skin lightly I might actually be free this time I shut my eyes enjoying the fresh air... I opened my eyes and saw Morgan and Benjamin at the pavilion. Morgan was teaching Benjamin how to use his bow staff during combat.

I walked over towards them and sat on the stairs Morgan sat next to me as Benjamin continued doing exercises. "What did he tell you?" Morgan asked sweetly looking at me I stared at the ground "he offered for me to stay..." I said looking at Morgan smiling. I was silent for a while, all that was heard was the wind shaking the trees and the staff grazing against the air.

"I've been meaning to ask..." I said pushing my hair behind my ears. "Why were you out so late anyway?" I asked "well..." He said staring off into the distance as if nature was such a distraction. "I was checking on Carol..." He finally said I looked at him wide eyed "you mean... Carols alive?! she's okay?!" I asked happily.

"Yeah she's doing very well... But with all the saviors running around... I just thought I'd check on her..." He said kindly "if You don't mind can I go with you next time?" I asked Morgan looked hesitant "I don't know (F/N)... They might find you..." He said.

"I don't care!.. I really want to see carol even if it kills me!" I said confidently Morgan chuckled "well if you're that persistent then okay..." He said fading off. I hadn't really been tracking the time... It just seemed to fly by. Morgan Benjamin and I talked and enjoyed each other's company.

Soon we began eating dinner it was surprisingly really good! instead of scarfing it down I slowly ate enjoying the delicious taste. It was silent until Benjamin spoke "so how's the food?" He asked me sweetly I snapped to hear his voice.

"It's great! how's yours?" I asked in return being polite "it's good... I have to go... Read... Good night everyone!" Benjamin said cleaning up his area then retiring to his room. That was very strange but I shook it off. I may ask about it later... Well that is if I'm alive.

Hello everyone! the walking dead was sick! I love Jadis.... And Negan! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! thank you!!!

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