Chapter 11

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Smut/ lemon

He kissed my neck roughly "Negan... what the hell?" I breathed he continued kissing me roughly ignoring my question. He put his hand down my pants and rubbed me through my panties. I squirmed under his touch panting slightly.

I purred trying to keep my moans in, I began getting wet. Negan hungrily pulled down my pants and unzipped his. He pulled out his long erect member and thrusted inside of me roughly "negan...." I breathed as he continued thrusting into me roughly. "Ahh... Negan!" I moaned loudly in pain "it's alright darlin." He breathed thrusting into me harder. "Fuck!" I moaned louder my eyes practically rolling in the back of my head.

"God damnit (F/N)... you're so tight." He groaned. My hands travelled onto his back, I gripped his shirt tightly. "Negan..." I moaned as my vision became blurred, my hands loosened there grip on his jacket as they fell limp to my side. Everything then went dark....

I woke up in a pool of cum and blood, negan was no where to be found. He didn't even have the common decency to clean up. I sighed Intently and rubbed my head as I once again got a major headache.

I stood from the bed and cleaned up, once everything was clean I put on a clean pair of underwear and pants. My head ache got worse so I decided to go see the doctor. I walked slowly and quietly down the hall, I pushed open a heavy door without thinking of even knocking.

"What're you doing in here?" The doctor asked I aggressively dug through the medicine cabinets until I found Tylenol. I quickly took it then finally acknowledged my surroundings. "Hey." I said glaring at Dwight who sat on the metal slab as the doctor helped him take care of his now healing face.

"(F/N)... great seeing you." The doctor then left the room leaving Dwight and I along together. I began feeling powerless, I didn't like being with him, he walked close to me. "How's being Negans personal cum dumpster?" He asked slyly.

"How's being negans personal bitch?" I asked stepping even closer towards him "oh darlin... you would know." He stated I scoffed then angrily walked out of the room. Dwights eyes never left me, staring at me triumphantly. I began walking towards the workshop of the warehouse, where all the work gets done.

I walked around glancing at random objects. "Hello (F/N)." A familiar voice said greeting me. I smiled and turned towards the awkward man. "Eugene... what a pleasure." I said picking up a bar of chocolate. "How much?" I asked the girl behind the desk.

"Oh... uhh, nothing from you." She said seeming worried "I'll pay for it." She said sheepishly "Nonsense! I am not just an object." I persisted forcefully writing my name down on the lists. Negans loud voice once again traveled throughout the sanctuary. "We are going to Alexandria. Prepare for a battle." Negan said rallying his men. I sighed intently as I stared at the ground, I knew this was going to happen.

I glanced towards where Negan once stood to see he was gone. I walked quickly throughout the hall towards the room he and I had shared. The door was shut, I aggressively pushed it open.

I saw Negan taking his shirt off. "Jeez, don't you knock?" He asked with a chuckle as I stared at his toned body. "Don't get drool on the carpet... what did you want darlin?" He asked. I quickly averted my gaze "I uh.... um." I stammered my face turning red.

"You came here so that you can bitch to me about going to Alexandria." He said basically reading my mind. I crossed my arms "so?" I responded not know what to say. "So.... what? I'm going no matter what. We have allies now and there's nothing you can do to stop us from going." He said confidently.

I sighed and relaxed my arms "you're right. Can I-" He then interrupted me "No, it's not safe for you and I don't want you to pull that shit where you turn on me." He said pulling a clean shirt over his head.

"I am forever loyal to you Negan." I persisted "bullshit." He responded "oh shut up. You practically claimed me! I would never turn on you.... again." I added. He sighed " Fine. But this time Im gonna have to put a leash on you." He walked over towards his dresser and opened it pulling out a collar and a leash. "What the hell negan?! I thought that was metaphorical!" I said as my eyes widened. He just chuckled and walked towards me with it in his hands. I backed away towards the opposing wall. "Negan. Don't." I threatened a small smirk plastered onto his face. He trapped me against a wall and put the collar on me. He then attached the leash, "how adorable!... I kinda like this look on you." Negan said smirking sadistically. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes not saying anything to his comment. "Alright darling. Come on." He said pulling on the leash, I let out a small whimper not knowing he was going to pull it that hard. We walked out of our room and down the hall passed a few of Negans men. Some looked envious while others laughed. I hated all the attention I was getting.

"Negan...." I whined "is this really necessary?" I asked putting on my cutest smile. "You did this to yourself darlin. You have no one else to blame." He said as he continued to walk around the sanctuary with me pathetically trailing behind him.

Once Negan was satisfied with himself we left the sanctuary and walked towards a group of trucks. Sasha waited patiently outside of one my eyes widened. "Is that Sasha? Why is she here?" I asked excitement filled my voice. "Just shut up and get into the fucking truck." Dwight said aggressively. I glared at Dwight "Do you want me to murder you?" I asked him. "Come at me princess." Dwight said pulling out a blade. I went to run at him, before we made contact Negan pulled me back by the leash making me whimper.

"That's enough you two. I'm not a baby sitter." Negan said smiling as I stared up a him with innocent eyes. "Dwight started it." I said under my breath "What?! I didn't start shit!" Dwight yelled at me "I said that's enough!" Negan said sternly. "Both of you get into the truck." Negan demanded. I glared at Negan as he smirked back at me. I stepped up into the large truck and sat next to Dwight. "Dwight." I said gaining his attention "I'm sorry." I finished, Dwight's features softened. "I appreciate it." He said pretending not to hear me. Negan then got into the van sitting next to me. He slammed the door shut and put his arm around me. As if Dwight knew he started the car and began driving to Alexandria. Tension rose in the air, no one spoke. "So.... Negan. Why is Sasha at the sanctuary?" I asked "Leverage. That's it." He replied simply. We drove for what seemed like forever. We finally made it, I hopped out of the car and looked up at the great walls of Alexandria.

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