Chapter 3

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He took off the leather jacket and tossed it aside. I could feel his hard dick through his pants. He took off my shirt and trailed kisses down my stomach and to the lining of my pants he slowly took them off teasingly. He rubbed me softly through my panties as I gripped the covers lightly.

"Oh Negan~" I moaned feeling pleasure over come my body then he stopped, I whined. He began taking off his clothes quickly. He positioned himself at my entrance then bent down "I'm just warning you... I go hard.... You're not a virgin... Are you?" He asked I simply nodded he smirked then slammed into me.

I cried out in pain as he began thrusting into me harder and harder with each movement he kissed me roughly then he trailed kisses down my jawline leaving me hickeys. I gripped the sheets tightly as the pain turned into pleasure I moaned loudly as Negan went faster and harder with each thrust.

I then was at my climax and I tightened around his hard dick. I panted softly trying to catch my breath he then flipped me over and slammed into me roughly. He pulled my hair back "say my name" he demanded forcefully "n-Negan..." I said softly not being able to regain my voice "louder!" He demanded "ah~ Negan!" I moaned loudly. He then moved faster and Harder.

He pulled my hair back harder "cum for daddy, princess" he growled in my ear as I let out a loud moan I released onto him he pulled out and released onto my back, I panted as I collapsed onto the bed. I got under the covers as did he. He pulled me closely "so.. What're you going to do about your wives?" I asked panting "oh honey... You're all I need.." He said kissing my forehead lightly I blushed.

I fell asleep In his arms once again, it felt nice... For once... I think Im falling for him... It can't all be that bad... I woke up peacefully to the sound of the birds chirping outside. I felt beside me to see that Negan was no longer in bed, I sighed and stood up putting on my clothes. My whole body was sore from last night... I walked with a slight limp.

I began walking around once again I stumbled upon Dwight! "Dwight!" I said happily he raised an eyebrow "I talked Negan into leaving his wives Alone!..." I said happily Dwight smiled " thanks (F/N)... But i don't think sherry and I will ever be the same..." He said walking away sadly. I walked outside after standing there awkwardly by myself.

I saw Negan walking around, so I decided to join him! I hugged him tightly from behind he turned around and hugged me gently back. "Are you sore?" He asked me with a smirk I nodded and blushed "well come on then darlin... I have to go see all the stuff my men are bringing to me!" He said then I remembered what I told Carl... Oh shit....

I grabbed onto his arm lightly trying to think of an excuse but I couldn't find one I just let him continue on towards the other trucks. We waited for what seemed like forever as Negan constantly gave orders to his men. Just then a black truck arrived I nervously swayed, it stopped once it reached us at first I thought no one was in there.

Then I heard a gunshot and I immediately froze Carl appeared with a gun "No one else needs to die! I just want Negan!" Negan smiled and hid behind his men. He then grabbed me and used me as a shield "what are you!-" I then got cut off " well aren't you adorable!" Negan practically yelled in my ear Carl then shot at the ground almost hitting me, Dwight then tackled him.

Dwight took Carl's gun and knife I stood there shocked. Negan extended his arm out for Carl to take I stood there paralyzed after a while Carl took negans hand. Negan averted all of his attention towards Carl completely forgetting about me.

I trailed behind them silently as Negan began ordering people around once again, Negan showed Carl everything. We Then stopped in the bedroom "and this!" Negan said extending his arms out "is where I fucked your friend!" Negan said gesturing towards me Carl looked at me with a mixture of disgust and sadness, I blushed and crossed my arms.

We ended up sitting down on the four small chairs in the room. Negan harassed Carl about taking off band aid "leave him alone!" I demanded Carl looked at me happily "speak when spoken too darlin... Or do you want to get punished as well?" He asked rubbing my thigh roughly I shifted awkwardly.

Carl then took it off it wasn't as bad as it used to be... But it was pretty bad... "Woah! now that is fucking disgusting! Can I put my finger through it?!" Negan asked enjoying himself. He then felt bad "I'm sorry... It's easy to forget that you're just a kid... I'm just busting your balls... It's what we do around here" Negan said to Carl.

Carl sat there regretting his decisions. Negan had Carl to entertain him, he didn't need me... As if what happened last night meant nothing. I then stood up and exited the room Negan followed after me and roughly grabbed my arm. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Negan asked "I got bored... Let's talk about what happened... Why did you use me as a shield? do I mean nothing to you?... What if he shot me?" I asked furiously.

"I knew the kid wouldn't shoot you, he has a fondness of you... I don't blame him... But what happened means nothing... Now if you want to talk about last night... That's something worth my time... Why don't we repeat what happened last night...." Negan said picking up my chin lightly and kissing me passionately. I blushed and whined a bit knowing we couldn't do anything right now.

He grabbed my hand lightly and took me back into the room. After a while he had Carl sing to him as he swung Lucille around violently. I'm going to admit it... It was turning me on just a bit, I clenched my thighs together feeling heat rise between my thighs. I crossed my legs trying to seem more casual Negan noticed this and smiled.  "Carl! Why don't you go find Dwight and he'll show you the cells..." Negan said Carl got up and left shutting the door behind him.

I sat there uncomfortably he walked over to me and smirked I stood up he was inches away from me "need some help?~" he asked I blushed and turned away next thing I knew he held my hands behind my back and pushed me roughly up against the wall he used one hand to pull my pants down and he unzipped his. He put one hand over my mouth. Then he thrusted into me roughly. My scream was muffled as my eyes rolled into the back of me head. He thrusted into me roughly my feet barely touching the ground, he then began kissing and biting my neck leaving more hickeys.

My moans got louder and louder as I came on his hard dick. After a few more rough thrusts he came inside me I let out one last loud moan and he dropped me on my knees. He positioned himself infront of me "you know what to do..." He said smirking. I licked his tip then slowly began trying to take him into my mouth. He then pulled my hair and pushed it further down, he began fucking my face as I gagged he groaned lowly clearly enjoying it. He then shot his hot seed into my mouth. "Swallow..." He demanded I obeyed and did as I was asked "good girl..." Negan said.

I was extremely exhausted by then Negan grabbed my arm and helped me up I tried standing by myself but immediately fell back onto him...

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