Chapter 9

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"Wait!" I called after him he then stopped and turned clearly annoyed "what is it?" He asked holding Lucille on his shoulder "what do you mean by 'suffer'?" I asked sweetly he chuckled "you'll find out, darlin~" he said turning and walking leisurely away whistling. I stood there dumbfounded at first I wasn't sure what I was going to do, then at that moment I knew I had to go see Dwight.

I confidently strutted down the halls until I made it to the infirmary which I was almost sure Dwight would be at. I saw Dwight looking at himself in the mirror he smirked " (F/N)... "He said looking at me "I just wanted to talk about earlier..." I said crossing my arms "What the hell Dwight? Why did you lie about me being with Carol? What's gotten into you?" I asked growing furious. He walked over towards me and cupped my face "somethings coming... " he then kissed my cheek lightly.

I pulled away from him roughly "don't fucking touch me..." I mumbled stepping back crossing my arms "who's going to win?" I then asked "you'll just have to wait and see..." He's said turning back towards the mirror. I then left feeling kind of pissy, i exited the room and wandered the sanctuary.

I began thinking and worrying about everything, I walked the workshop until I eventually ran into Eugene. "(F/N)..." He said greeting me "Eugene..." I breathed "great to see you again..." I said sarcastically "listen... (F/N)... I apologize immensely for the way I have treated you... I was just hoping we could be friends again since you really don't associate yourself with anyone else..." He said kindly I smiled "well... Thank you, I also apologize for the way I have treated you... I would like that..." Then negans voice echoed through the warehouse.

"Listen up everyone!" He yelled everyone kneeled, I cowered slightly but continued listening "free dinner tonight! having a celebration, open up the good booze!" He said happily everyone clapped then rose to their feet and continued on with what they were doing.

I walked outside and sat down on the stairs I starred at the zombies in the cages. I shut my eyes and breathed in deeply allowing fresh air into my lungs, I heard the door shut and someone sit next to me. "It's beautiful. Isn't it?" It was negans smooth voice I nodded then heard the growling of walkers and opened my eyes frowning.

"They ruin it..." I mumbled looking at my hands he looked down at me sadly he pulled me into him "it's okay... How about you and I go for a walk... Or maybe we can go pick up stuff from the kingdom" he suggested I nodded happily and stood up.

We piled into the truck, Negan drove as Dwight led us in a motor cycle. I nervously shuffled in my seat not knowing what to do, he put his hand on my thigh roughly slowly stroking my inner thigh. I blushed a deep red and sat up straight he chuckled.

His hand traveled closer to me slowly agonizingly painful. I held in my breath then the car stopped and he stopped "We're here" he said smirking evilly he got out and I released the breath I was holding in. What the hell is he doing to me... If this is what he meant by suffering then he has another thing coming... I hopped out of the car behind him, we walked towards a small group of people. My face flushed when I saw Morgan I hid behind Negan feeling very guilty.

But with my luck Morgan noticed me, he just looked extremely disappointed. I stared down at my feet as Negan began talking "Hello everyone! I hear we've been having some problems with trade... So I came down today to see that things run a bit more... Smoothly" he announced. They grabbed vegetables out of the kingdoms truck and packed it into our trucks. I strayed away from Negan and Morgan noticed and grabbed my attention "So this is what you're doing?" Morgan asked me quietly "what do you mean?" I asked defensively.

"You're being Negans lapdog... You come when called, (F/N)... I don't know if I can trust you anymore..." He said dramatically. "Oh shut up Morgan... I'm not being his 'lapdog', I answer to no one... I'm pissed about the situation I'm in, but I have to survive this for my family for myself... Look, we don't have to be friends but if things happen... I want to be on your side" I said sweetly.

"Do you (F/N)... Do you really?" He asked I crossed my arms and glared deadly at him "of course I do..." I replied. Soon after we then left no questions asked, the way home was silent. "What's wrong?" Negan asked sympathetically "nothing..." I mumbled "normally..." He said staring at the road "I don't usually go to collect from 'the kingdom'.. But we've been having problems... Not getting what we asked for... You know... Things that we would kill to have" he said I rolled my eyes.

He's talking about me, why does he have to be such an asshole? The rest of the trip was dead silent. We got back to the sanctuary, there were dump trucks parked outside the warehouse. "What's going on?" I asked stepping off of the truck.

"None of your business.." Dwight mumbled I glared deadly at him Negan chuckled "he's right darling... Go up to our room... I'll be there in a bit... There is business to discuss" he said walking off on his own whistling. I shook it off and went to see Eugene.

I let myself into his room " I need your help..." I stated he sighed intently and paused the game "I will help you... Just because you're a loyal friend to me and I value your trust... Also you're very hot" he said "so what is it?..." He continued.

"I need you to find out what's been going on around here..."

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