Chapter 2

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"Don't do this to me... Don't tell Negan... Just talk to me... I need someone to talk too" I said sweetly looking up at his slightly deformed face, he then relaxed "okay..." I then opened my mouth but nothing came out. It was eating me on the inside yet when I bring it up nothing comes out. I then tried again "well... I'm sick of the way Negan is treating everyone..." I didn't quite know how to put it.

"I understand more than anyone... I took some things from him... Some medicine for my sister, she was ill... Well... Negan found me and he was going to marry my sister.. My sister then ended up dying..." He paused I reached my arm out to comfort him I smiled sweetly he sighed "Negan said I had to still pay him back... So he took my wife and I now work for him..." He finished.

"I am so sorry to here that... I'll get you out of here... You and your wife and I'll make sure Negan can never find you" I said reassuringly he smiled I smiled back. "I better get going before Negan sees me..." I said walking away towards the cells. I looked around softly saying daryls name I soon got a response "(F/N)..?" The voice said weakly I ran over to the door. "Daryl!... Are you okay?!" I whisper yelled "yeah I'm fine... Are you? he didn't touch you did he?!" Daryl asked managing to get a bit of anger out of himself.

"N-no... Not yet! you have to get out of here..." I then heard whistling "Daryl..." I said freezing up "I-I'll.... Come back for you!" I then ran down the hall to get away from the whistling. I took the long way back to the room as I began marveling at the beautiful decor I haven't really noticed before I then heard a voice "Isn't it amazing!" Negan yelled I jumped a bit "don't be scared! Never be scared of me! You don't look the type to be scared..." He retorted "I'm not scared of you! or Lucille!" Negan smiled.

"I think it's time we get back to Alexandria... See how things are going!" Negan said grabbing my hand practically dragging me towards a black van where he sat me in the middle. He put his arm around me as we rode it was very uncomfortable... Once we got there we quickly hopped out of car Negan bought a lot of his men also. He then knocked on the large gate "little pig, little pig, let me in!" He yelled happily.

The gate opened hesitantly I watched as Rick stood in fear I laughed a bit Negan smiled at me proudly Rick and him discussed business as I made my way over to Carl. "Hey... I have a plan..." I said quietly he looked at me "two days from now... At the hill top around noon the saviors will be there... Hop on one of the trucks and assassinate Negan..." I told him all Carl did was nod.

I wasn't entirely sure if he was going to go through with the plan, but I told him... Just in case... We made it to where we ration everything Olivia is in charge of it. We waited for a long time for them to count the guns. Then Negan found out we were missing two guns I was pissed I was exhausted cold and ready to go home. I sat on the step shivering Negan sat down next to me.

"Ya ready to go home?" He asked I nodded he then took off his leather jacket and draped it around my shoulders. "I'm hungry..." I whined "you haven't eaten since you came with me... So that's probably why..." Negan said chuckling he then put his arm around me and pulled me close to him. Everyone was scrambling around to find the guns it was horrible Rick then found them in a vent. I was pissed "what do you mean it was in the vent this hole time?!" I yelled at Rick.

"Look (F/N)... I didn't know they were-" I then interrupted him furiously "Jesus Christ Rick! we could've been gone! Yet again you ALMOST cost us another life!..." I yelled stomping out of the house. I sat back down in the truck and crossed my arms, Soon after Negan came into the truck as well. I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open I fell asleep on Negan.

I woke up in Negans bed I then heard him enter the room, I sat up in bed "you sure do sleep a lot for such a small girl" he laughed "shut up..." I said quietly "what was that darlin? You're gonna have to speak up?" He said putting his hand over his ear I didn't speak. "Come on... Let's go get something to eat!" Negan said excitedly I then noticed I was still wearing his jacket. He walked quickly infront of me I caught up to him and grab his hand lightly. We walked towards the kitchen "what do you want?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders he handed me an apple which I happily ate. Once I was done I went back upstairs to relax. I laid in the bed peacefully until Negan walked in he once again crawled ontop of me and began attacking my neck I tried pushing him off but he refused.

A moan escaped from my mouth as I bit my lip trying to contain myself... I can't do this with him... I kept telling myself... I then stopped him "wait... I will do this with you on ONE condition... You will not be with your other "wives" only me... " I said nervously he thought about it "that... Can be arranged..." He said kissing me roughly...

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