Chapter 10

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He looked at me surprised then stood up and made his way to the small kitchen "No can do..." He said opening a jar and taking out a pickle. "Why not?" I asked confused "If Negan found out I was spying, he would possibly kill me." He replied.

"I need you Eugene. You're the only person I have here." I called to him, he turned around " Fine. But when things go wrong-" he started but I interrupted "blame me. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve if ya know what I mean" I  said as I winked, I began chuckling as Eugene looked surprised.

I walked out of Eugene's room and ran into Negan. "Hey darlin. Whatcha doin over here?" He asked sweetly staring down at me "n-nothing..." I stuttered nervously "you're such a bad lier..." He said smiling. He grabbed my hand and took me to our room.

"Sit" he demanded I sat on the bed. "So... What did you need?" I asked trying to stay calm "what were you doin with Eugene?" He asked standing over me with Lucille. "Am I not allowed to talk to my friend anymore?... Someone I knew before coming here... The only person I've been with this entire time.." I said dramatically "you know very well it was more than a little chat." He said leaning down close to my face.

"Just tell me darlin..." He said placing his hand on my thigh slowly rubbing up my face got red. "It's... Nothing" I breathed. He then stopped and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding he smirked "well... If you must know..." I said clearing my throat and straightening my posture.

"I just wanted to see what you were doing... I worry about you." I said folding my hands into my lap looking down at them. He picked up my chin with his hand "it'll all be fine... Don't worry ..." He chuckled deeply "So you're just not going to tell me?" I asked with a bit of an attitude.

"Hell no. You don't need to be involved in this." He stated before exiting the room I followed after him "but... What if it's something that could possibly kill me?" I stated. He turned on his heel towards me "I made it very clear that they won't kill or even hurt you." He said slyly " so... There's another group? You're going after Alexandria... Aren't you?" I asked he smirked.

"You sure do catch on fast...." He stated then turned away and began walking, I grabbed his arm. "No. I will not let you hurt any of them." I said he turned towards me and grabbed my face roughly "You better learn your place darlin." He said letting go of my face and walking away "Go back to our room. I'm going to handle some business." He said waving Lucille around.

I stomped back to our room angry and upset. I slammed the door shut and collapsed on the bed "God dammit!" I yelled laying on my back "why can't I ever help?! I'm always stuck here helpless! I'm done!" I yelled as tears rolled down my hot face. I then curled up into a little ball "I'm done..." I whispered before falling asleep.

I woke up to the door being slammed I sat up in the bed "what the hell?" I asked rubbing my head Negan dropped Lucille and began kissing me I didn't kiss back I pushed him away. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled standing up.

He smirked "you've been very pissy lately... I don't like it. Either that has to change or-" I then interrupted him "I know, I know... I get punished." I said crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. "What's been up your ass lately?" He asked making his way towards me, I stood my ground. "You have been really distant, you won't even tell me what's going on! I'm just sick of it! All you do is treat me like an object!" He then began chuckling.

He raised his hand and slapped me, I stood paralyzed I held my face as It began stinging. Tears prickled at the end of my eyes, I couldn't cry I couldn't do anything at that moment. He pulled me back into reality "Don't ever speak to me like that again! Who the hell are you to talk to me like that?! All you are to me IS a fucking object! You are my property, the people who you stick up for fucking lost you! That shits their fault. I own you and I can do whatever the hell I want when I want to no matter what you say!" He yelled back almost playfully.

"This is bullshit, I'm going to get a drink..." He practically hissed as he grabbed his bat, he left the room slamming the door behind him. I immediately began sobbing I fell to my knees and covered my face with my shaking hands. After a while I could no longer cry I stood up and walked over to the bed. I drew back the covers and layed down I pulled the covers over my body enjoying the warmth. The flame that once burned vibrantly inside of me had died. I was now nothing, I felt helpless nothing I could do or say would ever change the way he looked at me... After all... All I am to him is a fucking object...

The next morning I woke up peacefully Negan sat silently in one of the leather chairs on the other side of the room. I sat up in bed thinking about what to say to him. He then finally stood up I closely watched every move he made. "Look... I'm sorry about last night... I've been very stressed lately and you being in a bitchy mood doesn't really help." He said looking at me apologetically.

I stood up and walked towards him "I am going to accept your half assed apology... Only because it makes this hole thing easier... Just because I'm your object doesn't mean I have to like you..." I hissed. "But it sure does make it a lot easier" he retorted I looked at him angrily "I could never love you..." I spat walking back towards the bed to lay down as I began getting a major head ache.

I rubbed my head as he sat down on the bed rubbing my side. "Come on... You don't mean that." He said trying to be nice. "I meant every word..." I hissed not wanting to look at him he climbed over top of me and pinned me down.

"I know for a fact you love my dick." He chuckled I blushed "shut up Negan..." I spat he kissed me roughly "darling... Do you ever want to have a kid?" He asked "yeah but not now.. And not with you." I snapped "well... Unfortunately for you... That's too bad..." He purred kissing me roughly once again.

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