Chapter 4

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Negan and I cleaned up a bit then we heard a loud knock at the door "come in" Negan said aggressively Dwight dragged Daryl and Carl in "sir I think it's about time to go to Alexandria..." Dwight suggested Negan smiled and grabbed Lucille he put his arm around my waist. "Yes! Of course! let's go!" He said walking with me towards the exit.

I sat on his lap in the front Carl sat in the middle and Dwight drove. I was extremely sore from what Negan and I had done, I blushed at the thought. Then the truck stopped at Alexandria I hopped out and fell on my butt Negan smiled "a bit sore are we?" He asked I blushed redder "shut up..." He helped me up and we walked to the gate. They let us in and we immediately drew attention everyone stopped and stared.

Carl led us to his house, once we got there Negan invited himself in. Olivia was there! "Where's Rick?" Negan asked "I was just-" Olivia said getting interrupted "shhhhh!... Where's Rick?" Negan asked once more "he's out scavenging for you, he might not be back until tomorrow... We are all practically starving here!" Olivia said aggressively.

"You?... Starving?...And by practically starving you mean not really... " Negan said smiling Olivia then broke down into tears I lightly hit him "seriously? You people don't have a sense of humor..." He said feeling bad. "Look... I'm sorry... Umm... what's your name?" He asked "Olivia!" She said frustrated as she turned around. "I'm sorry for the way I have just treated you..." He then let go of me and leaned down to her.

"You know... We are going to be waiting for a while... If you'd like I can screw your brains out" Negan smirked I immediately crossed my arms. Olivia slapped him hard "I am now about 50 percent more into you..." Negan said inching closer towards her... Deja vu right?!

"Just fuckin with ya! I already have a toy!" He said smacking my ass I squealed lightly. "But.... The offers still on the table..." He said quietly "go make me some of that powdered lemonade I left you all... Take your time and make it good..." Negan said before waltzing off towards the sink where we played with the running water.

He was like a child everywhere we went he has to touch something we went into Carl's room and he played darts... By himself... When he hit a bullseye he got extremely enthusiastic trying to rally Carl and I. We then made it to a small door which Carl claimed that it was only the laundry room "just let me see!" Negan said happily opening the door to see Judith's nursery, my eyes widened. "Awww!" He said picking up Judith he completely ignored Us. He led us out onto the porch where he proceeded to hold Judith "she's such a sweetheart!" He continued I smiled lovingly at the sight.

For once he wasn't being psychotic or controlling... He was being sweet... "Do you want one?" He asked me snapping me out of my thoughts "I wasn't planning on it... " I responded "well you better start planning darlin... It might come to you sooner than you think" he said smirking evilly.

I blushed and shifted in my seat, Carl sat there awkwardly. It began getting later the sun still shining "it's time for Judith's nap..." Olivia began, Negan gave Judith one last kiss on the forehead before giving her back to Olivia. After a while Negan got bored of being outside so he went inside and shaved... I can't believe he's doing all this I thought to myself standing in the doorway watching him shave. Once he was done he turned to me "whatcha think darlin?" I said nothing but blushed he smirked "I like that response!" He said kissing me roughly then exiting the bathroom.

Negan came up with this grand idea that we would be making spaghetti... The night only got better he continued making the sauce happily "what's wrong, love? You haven't been sayin much all day..." He said worriedly "n-nothing... I just... I have this bad feeling... Ya know?... Like somethings going to happen..." I said lightly he smiled "don't worry about that! Dinners ready!" Everyone worked around Negan as he sat at the table.

We waited for Rick at the table for about 20 minutes in awkward silence, Negan hit the table gaining everyone's attention " I'm tired of waiting for your dad... Lucille is hungry!" He said placing Lucille in ricks spot. "Carl! Pass the rolls..." Negan said Carl didn't move "pass the rolls please?" He asked once again this time getting a reaction. Olivia Carl and I ate in silence barely eating at all. Judith clung to Olivia happily yet tiredly. Once we finished dinner I cleaned up and as did Olivia, Negan began wandering around the halls aimlessly I rolled my eyes.

"It must be a nightmare living with him..." Olivia said I nodded lightly "it's not as bad but... It's pretty bad..." I said thinking about everything. Then we heard talking outside I left Olivia to finish cleaning up. I walked to the porch  to see spencer talking to Negan. Negan pulled me into his lap resting his head on my shoulder " (F/N)?..." Spencer said stopping his previous conversation. "W-what... Are you doing here?" He asked.

"Go eat a bag of dicks, spencer" I said furiously crossing my arms "woah! That's no way to treat someone who just bought me a drink!.. I sense some feud between you two!" Negan said... How could I forget? spencer was always an asshole... The type of guy who didn't need to open his mouth to be a douchebag... He always rubbed me the wrong way... "I just don't like him..." I said looking away "funny that's not what you said when we shared that drink..." Spencer said.


Spencer and I were on the roof of his house starring up at the stars... It was beautiful... And I was drunk... I began drinking happily as spencer and I had been carrying out long conversations about life before the apocalypse and our emotions. I sat up and he followed "I always thought you were some kind of asshole... But I kinda like you... You're chill" I said to spencer "you're not so bad yourself..." Spencer said a bit more sober than I.

One thing led to another and he kissed me of course my first reaction was to push him away and reject him... Which I did "what the fuck was that for?" I asked sensing him wanting something more than a friend "I thought you liked me..." He said I sighed "I DID..." I said standing up and trying to leave before I could leave spencer grabbed my arm "I need you... We need each other..." He said "yeah... Funny that's what your mom said before she died..." I said spitting venom.

"Atleast I had a family!" He said getting angry "Atleast people like me!" I retorted angrily leaving back through the window and exiting the house spencer yelling at me....


"Well... A lot of things were said that night... Some I regret... Most I don't..." I said coldly...

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