Chapter 5

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Spencer starred at me dumbfounded, surprised at what i had just said. "Don't EVER... Talk to me again.." I said standing up punching him hard in the face then leaving "I wouldn't dream of talking to a girl with daddy issues!" Spencer yelled holding his jaw I went inside and sat down at the dinner table I starred down at my hands as they began to sting...

I signed loudly then I heard footsteps, it was Negan "no offense... But I really don't want to talk to anyone..." I said trying not to raise my voice "I'll only be here for a second..." Negan said kneeling down to my height, he grabbed my hands and squeezed then lightly his slightly cold hands soothing the sting.

"What you did back there... Was so hot!.. Don't think that you're not getting punished for that later though~" he said chucking I smiled "I'm sorry Negan... I hate Spencer with a burning passion... He made this living hell even worse for me... I thought I actually had a friend.... until... He tried taking advantage of me..." I said looking down. He then looked at me confused "it's... Nothing..." I said sadly.

"well for now... We'll discuss this later..."he said standing up extending his hand out for me which I happily took he pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately I melted into the kiss. He then said something I never heard come out of his mouth "I love you (F/N) you're such a badass!... " he said as we both walked out onto the porch hand in hand.

"You know what would make this better?" He asked Spencer "if we got to shoot the 8 ball!" He said enthusiastically Spencer smiled "that house across the street has a pool table in their garage" he said victoriously I rolled my eyes "I have an idea!" Negan said.

Next thing I know Negan is ordering his men around to carry the pool table outside, it was eventually in the middle of the road. All three of us played pool, Negan was actually really good at it... But no doubt i was better than Spencer!

He may be good at sweet talking but this was one of the skills I had ever since I was a little girl... Spencer then spoke "I wanted to talk to you about Rick..." Negan then was curious "I feel as though... I'd be a better leader... My mom Diana ran this place before Rick... Then she died..." Spencer began "what does that have to do with anything?" I said furiously crossing my arms "I wasn't talking to you, orphan" Spencer said. I then got angry I stormed over towards Spencer but Negan held me back " come on asshole! you and me! This orphan is about to drop your ass! I can take you down! you're nothing but a big pussy!!!" I yelled as Negan basically held be up from the ground as I swung my arms around trying to make contact with Spencer.

Spencer smirked " Little girl needs her daddy to control her" he said getting closer Negan then let go of me and smiled "get him doll..." He said I tackled him cradling his hips as I began punching him in the face "you're damn right I do!" I yelled then Spencer flipped us over and pinned me to the ground "you're weak (F/N)! Just accept it..." I then flipped back over and once again began punching him in the face.

Negan stopped me from doing anymore damage, he picked me up and set me down. Spencer stood up weakly "don't you ever... EVER disrespect me or her like that again!... I'll just have her beat your ass one more time..." Negan chuckled he then turned around "if you don't like how Rick is running things around here... Then why don't you kill him?" Negan said going back to the original conversation.

Spencer smirked "oh wait... You don't have the guts to do it..." Negan said walking back towards Spencer closely he then stabbed him in his stomach and dragged across his abdomen. "This is so embarrassing! I've never been so wrong in my entire life!... Turns out his guts were inside him this whole time!..." He said laughing my eyes widened, I felt a huge burden lift from my shoulders..

"Someone clean this up!... Or do you want to finish our pool game! I was winning!" Negan exclaimed holding Lucille tightly then Rosita pulled out a gun my eyes widened and I quickly ran towards Negan pushing him out of the way the bullet then pierced through my shoulder I fell in agony. I fell to my knees and held the gash Negan was pissed.

"You tried to kill me! yet you hit (F/N)!" He yelled he quickly bent down towards me negans men attacked rosita pinning her down holding guns at everyone. He held me close looking down at my weak almost motionless body "you're going to be alright... I promise doll... Just a little graze..." He said adding pressure to the gash I groaned in pain.

I could barely keep my eyes opened Negan picked me up bridal style. "You marked her beautiful body... You're not leaving here without a mark on that pretty little face of yours..." I struggled to keep my eyes open loosing blood each second. The voices faded and turned into mumbles I then heard a gunshot but immediately passed out...


I breathed heavily as I bolted up from wherever I was. I looked around and saw that I was in Negans bed, I sighed heavily then pain overcame me I got a major headache and my stitched wound stung I groaned and laid back down I then heard a voice.

"I see you're up" Negan exclaimed I turned towards the doorway he walked over and sat down on the bed he laid his hand gently on mine "at one point I wasn't sure you were going to make it... You lost a lot of blood... But you pulled through... You're strong..." Negan said kissing my forehead lightly "I-it hurts..." I said softly "well yeah... You did get shot..." He said chuckling lightly. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed "thank you..." Negan said gaining my attention.

"You know... For saving my life and all..." He said then I remembered everything "what... Happened?" I asked "well... Someone shot you... Then Lucille... I was pretty pissed... But I was more worried about you... In return for you one of my men shot one of there's... Then we took our things and left... You had lost a lot of blood by then..." I then sat up "who... Who did you shoot?" I asked between staggered breaths.

"What's that lady's name again?... The heavier one... Who complains about everything..." Negan said "o-Olivia..." I said tears threatening to fall "yeah! That's the one" Negan said I then cried lightly. He put his hand up to my face and caressed my cheek lightly "don't cry-" I then slapped his hand away and turned over sobbing quietly.

"Alright... Well you'll get over it... If you don't... I'll have no choice than to punish you... " he said chuckling he then left the room. Once he was gone I decided to wander the halls to clear my head, the room was getting a bit claustrophobic. I met up with someone I thought I'd never see again... Jesus " (F/N)..." He whispered "your people... They want you back... Come with me to the hilltop..."

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