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Prologue: The Journey.

Tragedy and Love runs hand in hand.  No one wants the kind of love comes easy like Mother to kid. Or Teacher to student.  Everyone should strive for the type of love that makes it hard for you to sleep knowing that those 8 hours you want be with the one you love.  The type of the that brings mayhem and leave chaos in its wake.  The Type of Love that I dreamt of having once.... or maybe even twice.



"Marc,  this is a nice House look." I flipped through the pictures of the Living Room,  Upstairs, and the back porch. "Look it will even have room for your gym." Marc exhaled and pointed down at the City.

"Seattle? I am not moving there.  Why cant I just pay off the house in New York City.  Its not that far from here--" Marc went to blabbing on and on about this house in New York.  I closed my eyes and leaned back on his bare chest as we laid in the bed of our Apartment.  We are 9 months out of Harvard and trying to transition into work.  I had gave up on my dream of becoming a nurse,  to be a nurse it takes steady hands.. and the prom accident made some of my motor skills delay,  my hand will just tremble out of the blue.  So I went another route of becoming a lawyer and I am actually a Public Offender.  Marc is a traveling nurse.  He wants to be a doctor, but is sick of school for right now. He rubbed the 3 inch scar on my head and said, "Is it because of him why you don't wanna move to New York... And don't lie to me. Hell,  the only way you see your parents or Keesha is if they come here." I sat up in the bed and turned to him.  I seen he was pissed.  I rubbed his five o clock shadow and he closed his eyes.  I climbed on top of him and sat my bare ass on his flaccid dick under me. 

"I am not worried about Rico.  Rico and I are done,  shit you was there when it all went down... lets not forget." I told him.  I leaned down and kissed his soft lips.

"New York is just a part of my life I don't wont back. That night I laid in a puddle of my own blood I thought I had died... as in gone.  I laid in that hospital bed for a month.  When I came here to go to Harvard it was a breath of fresh air....don't take it away from me.  The last five years have been drama free and safe." He rolled us over and slid perfectly between my legs.

"Baby, that was 5 years ago. We are grown, mature, and most importantly in love. But hey if you wanna move to Seattle I would go...I wanna be where
ever you are. Look --" He extended his left arm and showed me his half of our matching tattoo.

He read the cursive letters, "Its like catching lightning, the chances of finding someone like you." He grabbed my arm and showed mines and continued reading, "Its one in a million the chances of feeling the way we do."

We smiled at one another and he kissed me.  Our tongues explored each others mouths.  My dick twitched and he said,  "mmm someone is excited." We burst out laughing as I pushed him off of me and said,  "I am,  but we have to go. Its finally the last day of my therapy... hell I survived four years at Harvard but yet they wanna check if my brain is right." After the Batting incident I had to agree with my mom to get routine checkups.  Her and my Dad was literally 2 seconds from telling me to stay home,  but I made her that promise.  I needed to get away after that and especially the drama. I will never forget that year in my life.  It will be wedged in a section of my brain forever.

My First Love.
My First Time witnessing death.
My First Attack.
And My First Gay Bashing.

It was too much and I needed a way out and God gave me Harvard.  It was the greatest time,even though the unthinkable happened between Rico and I during my Sophomore Year, but that's a flashback for a later time. I am happily engaged and together with Marc. He proposed to me 2 months ago. He even brought up the time he told me at the Harvard Orientation that we will get together. I guess he was right. I sat up in our bed and Marc raised from the bed and stretch his naked tanned body.  He was an amazing body.  8 pack, perfect vCUT,  Nice ten inch dick, 6'2, strong shoulders and legs...And what I love the most is his bubble butt.  He don't like me to talk about his butt.. boy please.

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