A Trip To Bahamas

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Chapter 18: A Trip to Bahamas.

1 1/2 Month Later...


"Nice that this partnership is happening, Deejay. I think we can really make a difference. Now I know you have to go, but I was just calling to tell you that and that your office chairs came in." I held my phone to my ear as I folded Rico PUMP underwear and placed them inside his suitcase.

"Oh really, Holden please dont put them up. I wanna be in shock--" I heard Loso shout and I shot my head back at the door and quickly said, "I have to call you back." I hung up and ran out of my room at my moms and down the hall. Yes, we are still here. The house we are buying takes time to finish building. Its an entire Manor in the Upper East Side. 10 Bedrooms, with their own bathroom and balcony. 2 Living rooms, with a dining area. A decked out kitchen. 3 floors. Basketball and Tennis Court. Volleyball court with sand under it. Swimming pool that extends from under the house and goes out into the backyard. It has a black gate surrounding the entire property. It was leased for 11 Million, but Rico paid only 10.5. Yes, he paid for it in full. Get ya' a man that can do it all. He says he wants a family, with this big house I think we can. I cannot wait to move in.

I finally turned into the living room and seen Loso and My Parents jumping for joy

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I finally turned into the living room and seen Loso and My Parents jumping for joy. I said, "What are yall so happy for?" We was just this happy the other day when the papers came back and I officially became Loso father. I feel so great, but right now Im lost.

"Loso passed all his end of the year exams. He is going to be a Senior. Also, his passport came, so he can go to Bahamas-" He cut my mom off and said, "And the biggest news is this." He dangled the keys in front of me and I gasped, "Mom, you actually brought this boy a car?" I walked over and grabbed the keys and it was to a Benz.

My Dad interjected, "We did. We are proud of him." He hugged all of us and he said, "Ill love to stay and chit-chat, but I have to go pick up Mickey, he says he is finishing packing." He ran for the door and I chuckled as she handed me over his report card. Kid got all As and Bs. See so much potential is gone to waste when the street life takes over.

"Wheres Rico?" I asked.

"Went down to the airport with Oscar, to see if the private plane was all setup right. Are you finish packing?" My Mom asked. I scoffed and said, "Please. I aint even finish packing our underwear."

"Did X call?" My Dad asked. I exhaled, "I mean I sent him via email the hotel address and everything. Hopefully he shows. We are there for 2 weeks." I went back upstairs and started to resume packing. I went into my closet and pulled out my shoeboxes and causing all my old boxes to fall, clunking my ass in the head. As I picked them all back up, I found my old gold chain that my gma gave me when I was about 7 years old. I held it up and smiled. The door opened and Rico came in looking baby asf. He had on all black and some shades. He took the shades off and said, "Baby, everything is set up. The plane leaves at 5:45 AM....so definitely no fucking tonight." We both laughed and I walked over and he picked me up. I kissed him and smiled, "Guess what?" He laid down on top of the pile of clothes on the bed and said, "Holden called. My Indian style chairs came. Im so excited." Rico chuckled, "You are more excited about the furniture than the lawyers...how is the hiring going?"

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