Hey, Big Head.

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Chapter 2: Hey,  Big Head.

Flashback 5 Years Ago

Its been a week since the incident and Deejay still laid in bed not waking up.  The doctors have done everything they could.  He have no brain damage,  with minor nerve damage. Its all on Deejay to wake up now.  Rico walked into the door and X looked over at him and said,  "Your shift,  already.  I thought you wasn't coming for another hour?"

"I found myself about to get drunk to mellow myself out.  Go home and get some rest,  better yet some dick." Rico told X, making both of them laugh.

"Durk left back to Africa this morning and I have a feeling we are never ever ever getting back together. So no dick for me, however I will go get some sleep." X told him as they hugged and as he walked towards the door and Rico made his way to the chair they heard a raspy yet familiar voice, "Hey, Big Head." Rico eyes shot over to the bed and X froze at the door. Rico looker into Deejay brown eyes and said, "X, he up. Go get the doctor."

Rico grabbed his hand and said, "I miss you, and don't call me no damn big head." He leaned down and kissed Deejay chapped lips.

"Ew I have morning breath with lots of blood. I cant still taste it." Deejay told him. Rico helped him sit up in the bed and he asked, "How long was I out?"

"About a week." Rico told him as X finally found Doctor Smith down the hall.

"Please tell me you did nothing stupid..." Deejay warned Rico as he grabbed his hand.

"Like what kill Rocko and his Dad...maybe." Rico joke knowing X talked him out of it. Tears started to feel in Deejays eyes.

"Babe, I'm joking. He is in Jail." Rico confirmed to him as Deejay rose he free hand to his heart.

"Boy, don't scare me. I cant lose you. A vision, HELL the vision of us kept me sane inside my head." Deejay told him. X returned with Doctor Smith and said, "Go bestfriend!!! And I'm so fucking sorry..."

Present Day


"Thank You, Canada!!!Its been real." I spoke into My Aqua Blue Customized Mic and ran off stage back into my dresser room. I took a seat down and stared into the mirror.  I smiled at myself for finally finish my Tour.  I loved my fans,  but I love my family more.  And spending that little time I did was last week for my other Muva party I am ready to get back to New York.  Especially with Deejay moving back in a few hours.  He and Marc had to go get things in ordered and shit packed. I grabbed my phone and went on Twitter and told all 15 Million of my followers That Canada was great once again.  Becoming a Pop sensation was always a dream as a child,  but I guess finally doing it makes it all great.  I packed my Chanel Duffel bag with all my things and I headed out to the back and my driver wasn't outside.  I pulled my phone out and called him up. No answer. Oh this motherfucker is fired. I swear to God.  I looked around and seen that fans was exiting the event and I was seconds away from being seen.  Suddenly,  I heard a blonde female scream,  "ITS X!"Without any other thoughts I took off running with my bags flying in the wind while I held on to the strap over my shoulder.  I quickly turned the corner and without looking bumped right into this guy dressed in a Janitor outfit and dirty Timberland boots. He looked at me and I said,  "Help,  I have some people running after me." I looked at his manly features and fear he was about to kick my twink ass.  His beard,  his face,  and those dark eyes gave off ass whipping.  He had to be 6'5, weigh like 245 all muscle. He put me up against the window and crouched down and suddenly placed his lips on mine. I was caught off guard,  but to say I wasn't enjoying it I would be lying. His soft lips,  wet tongues,  and breaths had me all into it.  I haven't had any male attention in like 3 years.  I really slowed down on the hoe tip,  ever since it landed my best friend in the hospital. I am new reformed.  As the crowd ran pass this big muscles man covering me like a wounded bird we still kissed.  Within 2 minutes he came up for air and said,  "I think they are all gone."

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