You're My Flashlight

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Chapter 5: You're my flashlight.

Flashback 3 Years ago

Rico laid candles out  all around Deejay&Marc dorm room.  He set up the game of Scrabble on the bed and ripped off his shirt and dropped his jeans to go shower.  As he walked towards the bathroom he heard a key jiggling at the door.  He panicked,  because he was just on the phone with Deejay and he was about ten minutes away.  He froze in the center of the room as the door opened and he saw Marc.  He finally breathed and said, "whew. Thought you was him." Marc chuckled and said,  "Sorry,  just came to get my bottle of Remy Martin Cognac.  He went into his dresser and said,  "It look like you can use a drink." Rico hesitated,  before thinking it over that he really needed that shot. He said,  "Fuck it make me one." Marc put the two shot glasses out and poured the Cognac.  He turned his head to see if Rico was looking and saw him pacing.  He went into his pocket and pulled out the capsule and opened it.  He pour the white dust called Otax inside Rico shot.  He walked over and handed it over.  Rico and him tossed to his engagement that was about to take place and threw the shot back." Rico hit his chest and said,  "Aghhh,  now you out." Marc nodded and walked out an across the hall. A blonde boy name Tyler was putting on a white robe when he asked, "You did it?"

"Yup." Marc said.

"Half or the whole capsule?" Tyler asked.

"Whole." Marc chuckled.

"What the fuck? He might forget his name." Tyler said panicking.

"His is a huge dude and he over there in his briefs...that dick look big. Thank me later. Otax, takes about 3 minutes to kick in. He will be in the shower. The hallucination starts first, so play like Deejay and quickly get him to fuck you." Marc explained.

"So you want Deejay to walk in on us...spazz out. Break up with him and it gives you an opportunity to win his heart." Tyler said.

"Yup. Ill show up tomorrow like I just came from my trip and be his shoulder to cry on." Marc told him. He walked over and kissed Tyler and slapped his ass and sent him on his way.

Moments Later,  Deejay walked into his dormitory on face time with X.

"Baby boy, Ill be the first one to buy that album. The gays, the girls, the trans,  and the hood niggas will listen to your shit. You can fucking sing." He told his best friend as he entered the elevator.

"Imma call you back later... In about to get dicked down by Oliander."

"Okay,  I have to get ready for the interview with Ellen on her show.  See ya' later." X told him.  Deejay hung up and rode up to the 8th floor.  He stepped off and walked down the hall and stopped at door 359. He heard rumbling and he quickly opened the door and as he barged in he seen a sight that he never thought.  He had just let Rico fuck him raw yesterday and gave himself to this man and now he find him long stroking Tyler from across the hall. 

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Deej snapped before running over hitting Rico in the back of the head. Pounding his shit over and over again.  Tyler quickly got up and tried to run,  before not before Deejay Karate kicked his back and he fell on the floor in pain.  Rico turned around to Deejay and was sweating profusely,  eyes wide like a deer in headlights,  and seem demented.

"Deejay?" He asked as he stared at Tyler on the floor.  Deejay slapped him and said,  "Get the fuck out.  How could you cheat on me?" However,  he didn't see Deejay before his eyes, as he thought Deejay was who was fucking on Marc bed.  He pushed Deejay hard ass fuck and snapped,  "Don't you hurt him." Deejay body flew back and his hands started trembling.  He didn't understand,  but for Rico to put his hands on him he was hurt beyond belief.  Rico ran over by Tyler side helping him up saying, "Its alright Deejay, And I would kill this pussy, but I stop killing for you."

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