There is No Controlling This

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Chapter 16: There is No Controlling This.

The Police swarm the room to see a body laying before them in a puddle of blood, with a gun beside it. A scared Jessica yelled, "HE JUST SHOT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD!" They rushed over to her and Officer Scotty Walden picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his big body, he was 6'5 and built lile he work out everyday. His had hazel colored eyes and he carried her out the room. She looked at him and said, "Dont leave me."

"Its good. He wont hurt you anymore. He is dead, like gone." After about 45 Minutes she was put in another room just as Oscar and Rico showed up. Oscar rushed in and he snapped, "Sis." She held him into a hug trying to catch his breath. Rico stood there and asked, "So what the fuck happened?" towards Officer Scotty Walden.

"Um, he posed as a nurse and walked in. I told my boss we should had every nurse name. We honestly didnt think he will try it-"

"Well, he fucking did. And yall better be lucky he killed himself, because if she would have got shot, even a graze--" Officer Walden cut him off and said, "I know we will have a lawsuit against us." Oscar and Rico laughed knowing damn well that was not what Rico was getting at. He said, "Just go, please give us some privacy." The officer left and waved at Jessica telling her he will be back. Rico went around and asked her was she okay, before taking a seat.

"Yea. I had to be a bit more dramatic, than ever. I mean I seen death before. Im good, but I want out of this hospital. Did you do what I told you Oscar?"

"Yes, the window is fixed and a new security system was installed. Ill show you how it works. When are you leaving?" Oscar asked rubbing her head. She exhaled, "The X-rays showed they are still broken, but from this point on they will have to heal on their own. I can be released in the morning. I called Keesha to come get me, but she hasnt been answering my calls." Rico sat up and added, "Deejay called me a few days ago and asked did I speak to her...she have been AWOL." Oscar and Jessica looked at Rico and they both said, "Oh so thats why this happy Rico is back--" Oscar continued, "Nigga, please tell me you told Jayceon. Dude cool as fuck. I need him at the gym."

"I was planning on telling him a few hours ago, but he told me about his brother who is back in New York and now he needs my help getting rid of not killing it just he use to rape Jayceon. So I couldnt just be like, oh and by the way we are over because on the trip to go get Loso I made love to Deejay into dawn." Rico confessed to those two. Oscar exhaled and said, "Shit. Yea, just wait. Fuck, man will yall ever catch a break? Well, we can all use some good news, so here it is. Geneva and I went and did my sperm sample for the surrogate."

Rico joked, "Another Oscar in the world. I thought one was enough." Rico and Oscar laughed, as Jessica broke into tears and Rico said, "Yo, Jess you good?"

She took a deep breath as her bottom lip shook and she said, "I just thought, he was about to kill me and all I could think about was I will never see my daughters again." Rico and Oscar both hugged her as she managed to get her arms around their necks.

"I love yall so much." She cried out while laughing in shock still trying to piece together what had just happened to her. She didnt erm expect Aryin to be a lunatic. Jessica realized she lost Keesha for this fuckboy and now she doesnt even think that will ever happen again.



"You all know that the first step in surviving an addiction is admitting you have an addiction. I want you all to find a partner and spread out in the room. You are all new and this is your first groip therapy session, so you can be as candid as you like, with your partner. You dont have to tell them about your addiction, you let the know what you want them to know." Mr.Rapid explained to the group of about 12 of us. Everyday since I beem here have been worse than before. I cant contain myself and I am about to flip shit. The room started splitting up and I rolled my eyes and stood up about to walk back towards the door to go back to my room. Suddenly, I heard a soft spoken gay boy.

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