The End(Part 2)

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Chapter 24: The End(Part 2)

6 Hours Later


I laid in the hot tub at our new house with Bubbles surrounding me and some just outside the door in my new bedroom. Rico, X, Keesha, and Loso. Everyone else had gone on home, I wanted to be alone, but those three arent listening. I have to say I love Rico so much for having this party and surprising me with this new house. Im dead ass serious. Its just im dreading seeing my mothers face tomorrow. I know what I have to do, but that doesnt make it any better. Signing off on the transfusion to save my Dad, will speed up the process of death for my mother and I think she will only have a few hours. Im going to spend every second I can. I called out of X to come in. The door opened and he flew in and closed the door.

I looked over at him and started laughing hysterically. He walked over and said, "Um, you in here laughing but a real bitch out there crying. Whats Tea?"

"Can My life be any much more like a fucking tv show? We have been threw so much when will it end." He took a seat on the edge of tub and rubbed my head and exhaled, "Its already ended. Rico told us Mama already knew about the Tumor. She let you live, because she knows you. You would have stayed home worrying about her until her last days."

"Thats not true." I lied and he shot me a look and stated, "Deej, stop the madness. It will get better. It has to get better. Thats what I tell myself everyday when I wake up and roll over thinking Tim is beside me." He rubbed my head again and I replied, "Did Rico tell you about the wedding?"

"Huh?" He said.

"I want my mom to be at my wedding. So we are getting married before her tomorrow night. And I kind of want to ask you to get Ordained online to do the ceremony." I told him and he gasped.

"Yessss, bitch I would definitely do it. Now get your ass out of this tub before you turn into a prune." He told me as he got up to leave. I said, "X-" He turned back to me and I told him, "Dont leave me. Are you staying in New York?"

"Yea, I am moving back home. I wont leave you, only if you promise me one thing." He retorted to me.I sat up in the water and asked, "Whats that?"

"That you give me one of these rooms in this fucking Manor. Kenya Moore Manor has nothing on this." He said snapping his fingers makong me chuckle and my head banged a little from the headache. About 15 Minutes later, I exited the tub wrapped in a towel and Rico was the only one in the room. He stood up from the California King Bed and said, "Keesha left she said she will be back in the morning before we head to the Hospital." I shook my head and walked over to dresser drawer and opened it. Even my clothes was here. He told me, "Loso and Oscar them brought everything over." I gasped and turned to him and he said, "Dont worry about that right now. One tragedy at a time." I slid on some green briefs and walked over and climbed in the bed. He grabbed my hand and I laid across his chest with my mouth right above his left nipple.

"You know what I do when Im down.."

"Yea, I do. You smoke. I cant even gather to the strength to smoke at this moment. I just wanna lay in your arms. Wheres Loso?"

"Went to the get the papers and stuff from the house. He seems okay, right now."

"Thats good. You know he loves my mom. I cant believe I am losing my mom--" I started to cry and Rico rubbed my back and said, "Its Alright. She isnt going anywhere but in your heart forever."

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