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Chapter 15: Nut.

1 Week Later


"If you are here for the application to be a Trainer, follow my boy Rico over to the pool area. If you are here for the summer program, I see a few teens, follow my beautiful wife, Geneva, up to the second floor. And If you are here for the front desk and other team member job stay here with me and Jayceon." I told the hopefuls as they followed instruction. I looked over at Rico as he handed them all papers as they walked away. Ever since he came back from Save Loso with Deejay kid has been really happy and finally helping out at the gym like a real business partner suppose to. Especially, with GeGe and I looking into having another baby I need to make sure he will step up, If I need help. Like Jayceon, dude really puts in hours here and he aint even my boy. I mean we cool, though.

As I was about to introduce myself again to the people for the team member jobs, GeGe came rushing over to me and said, "Sorry--" She pulled me away and cheerfully continued, "Its Doctor Holmes. We can go meet with him today at 4. Will you be able to make it?" I checked my watched and seen it was 1. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I dont know why not. Ill be there." She kissed my lips and ran back off. I watched her ass walk away in that jumpsuit. I licked my lips and ended up loosing my train of thought.

As I turned back to the crowd I noticed a red head girl smiling and staring at me as if I was a piece of meat. I actually noticed her because she was the only female over here. I pointed her out and said, "Are you in the right group?" She smiled and walked towards me and said, "Im Kimee, I am applying for the new at night Life Guard job. Been swimming all my life. And I think Ill be a nice addition to this staff."



"So Geneva had a dick?" Loso asked as he packed up his room. I grabbed his new Apple laptop from dresser and said, "Yes. She did. And you wouldnt even know huh?"

"Hell no. She sexy ass fuck." He said as he ripped the sheets off his bed. We are moving in with my mom, while our new place finish getting fixed. I dont wanna stay here , being that this was brought for me and Marc. I wanted him to actually buy it from me, but he didnt. So I put it on the market and it was sold within 2 days.

"And why are you so interested in the TransLife?" I asked him. He exhaled and stood up and said, "I dont know how to handle it...Alright Mickey is trans." My eyes got wide and he continued, "he use to be a girl. And I actually touched his pussy. Not the way you think. Now all week in school its been wierd and he thinks I dont wanna be friends no more, but its more I dont wanna offend him. You know my mouth."

I walked over and said, "Damn, I didnt see that coming....I knew he had a story, but not like that." Loso took a deep breath and said, "I dont care though...I mean he just got to trust I wont let nobody fuck with him. Imma go over and see him later after we get settled at ya' moms." I smirked and said, "Yea. Do that. Now hurry up my Dad will he pulling up with the U-Haul any  minute." As I walked towards the door to go see if all my things was in order. Loso said, "Aye." I turned around and he stood up and exhaled, "I been thinking about this the whole week and I think Im ready if you down for it."

"For?" I asked. He confessed, "For you to legally adopt me. I think with all that has happened I think it will be the right move to have a father that actually cares about me. Besides, you the only person to ever see pass the thug in me. Now if you dont want to its cool, I only have a 1 1/2 more years in high school then Ill be --" As he ranted on and on my heart went to pumping fast. I mean I see myself as his guardian, but I never thought he will ask this. It totally hit me off guard, but I have to admit I will love to be.

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