Eat A Dick

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Authors Note: Just Because I love yall. I cant make yall wait!!! Lol.

Chapter 12: Eat A Dick.

Flashback a few weeks ago...

Loso walks into school holding the strap of hus bookbag tight as a 8 year old girl pussy. He was never nervous for anything, but this situation made him. He wanted to make sure he was actually going to do the right thing this time and not be sucked into anything dangerous. He had been very grateful for Marc and Deejay doing this for him. This is his second week in school right after the girl and him was caught fucking by Deejay. He doesnt know how she is going to react. He walked over to his locker and as he unlocked his phone rung. It was Marcy. He picked up and said, "Where are you?"

"Dont worry about where am I? All I wanted was some black dick and you couldnt even just give me that. Dont talk to me around school, thanks." Marcy told him pissing him off as she hung up. He grabbed the Chemistry book out and slammed the locker. He went into the bathroom and washed his face with some cold water and took a few breaths. He was about two seconds away from going to her claas and knocking her on her ass. After a few breaths and his heart rate lowered, he walked out of the bathroom and without looking bumped into a kid half his size. The boy wore a hoodie jacket and ripped jeans.

"Shit, my bad, bruh." Loso said as he helped him up. The boy dusted off his hands and replied, "Its cool. Im new, can you tell me where the gym is?"

"Uhh-Yea, all the way down this hall, pass those double doors. Then make another right into the --" Loso stopped talking and looked into his hazel eyes and said, "Just follow me." The boy smirked and his girly features came to the surface. Unknown to Loso, this was actually a girl before him, but she is transgender and feels like a male in the inside. He was badly beatened down at his old school a few weeks ago, because he came dressed like a boy.

As they walked through the courtyard Loso said, "Im Carloso, but I go by Loso." He chuckled and said, "Like a rope? Thats different. Im Mickey, bro." Loso nudged him sending him a few steps to the right jokingly and said, "Like the mouse." They both chuckled and Loso said, "Aye, Gym never has a teacher during homeroom, I would know because I have it aswell. Now its your first day here, so its only right we smoke a blunt. A white boy dressed in Designer at this school may give off the wrong impression. Mickey smiled...not because of the compliment about his robin jeans, but about Loso not seeing the girl that was actually before his eyes. Mickey heart raced knowing she can finally be looked at as a male, to someone.

A few minutes later, they was sitting out under the school stadium bleachers lighting up. Loso blew smoke and passed it to Mickey, "So what school you transferred from?"

"Anchor Tatum Prep." Mickey said, before sitting the blunt between his lips before pulling. Loso said, "Oh so you definitely have money then."

"My parents have money. I just have a bank card that their funds come to for me." Mickey said making them both laugh.

"Aye, ever since I been back I havent found anyone cool--" Mickey squinted and Loso exhaled, "I dropped out last August to pursue the streets. The three Gs. Gang, Guns, and Girls. It was lit as fuck at first. Fucking big booty bitches, older woman at that. I mean my dick huge so it dont matter. But a while back it became to much and I was shot." Loso lifted up his shirt and showed the healing scar from Marc in-home surgery. Mickey couldnt even focus on the scar as the rest of his chest and abdomen was sexy ass fuck. Yes, she wanted to become a guy on the outside, but she still was attracted to males. Some may think why dont she stay a girl, but they dont know in the inside she feels like a homosexual male and thats what she wants to be.

Loso joked, "Stop staring at me like you wanna fuck me, bruh." Mickey chuckled and hit Loso arm.

"It aint like that, bruh --" Before joking back, "you aint even my type."

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