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Chapter 4: Lifesaver


"Do you notice none of these men." Agent Troy Belleck asked me for the 8th time and two minutes.  I am not responding to shit until my lawyer gets here... and I don't have one of those, so it looks like we are shit out of luck...the both of us. I picked up one of the photos and said, "Mmm, that stripper got a fat ass in the background." He gritted his teeth and banged on the desk.

"You have no record.  How does a man with so much money doesn't have no background of money... I know you are in the drug game." He told me licking his chapped pink lips.

"Let me tell you something cracker.  Rico isn't my real name.  So your search is null and void.  And Yes I was in that club that night,  however I was getting my dick sucked in the bathroom when the shots started going off." I told him.  His eyes widened and I laughed in the inside.  I was telling him a lie,  but this is the funny thing about alibis if you have a loyal ass witness they cant do shit about it and luckily I have someone who would luckily be ready to say he was sucking me up.

"And Can I have that female name?" He asked as he wrote in his little notepad. I chuckled,  "Don't judge a book by its cover.  HIS name is Jayceon.. I can give you his number and we can get him down here." I told him Jayceon number and sat back as he walked out of the cold ass room. Moments later,  he returned and said,  "He is on his way down here in the meantime, do you know anything about the Dee boys. They are well was an infamous gang and cartel in New York, until about last year when their men starting getting took out starting from the boss and this night in question ended all their business."

I slickly said, "Well it sounds like to me whoever killed these men helped y'all out..."

"Yes, but you cannot take justice into your hands...and plus I have reason to believe that whoever did it is making a move to distribute all around the state of New York." Agent Belleck had my whole planned mapped out, but he had shit to catch me on.

"Okay and you think that's me?" I asked.

"Yes I do. And I may cannot prove it yet, but I'm going to have telescope on your life and like all criminals you will slip up and that's when you will be doing 25 to life...I can almost promise you Rico." He said sternly. I licked my lips and said, "Well then...lets see."

About an hour later the door opened and he unloosed my handcuffs and I stood up and asked, "See my witness and alibi checked out."

"For now...Ill be in touch." He gave me a sly smirk and I walked out and seen Jayceon. We walked out of the Police Station and he snapped, "Yo, I already called to the warehouses told them to shut everything down. Also, I moved all the money to your bank account offshore. I know business is shut down for a minute."

"Yes it is, but not for long we just need to find a suspect to take the fall. And as for helping me out, did you know to say that?" I asked him as we approached my car.

"What other lie we would have said...I told him I was giving you some head and you wad about to fuck me right before the gunshots went off...I was scared shitless, but something told me you would say that." He explained. I laughed and said, "Oh Yea? Why is that?"

"You see these lips and you felt them around that got you thinking about me." His lips was plump and sexy as fuck. And he just really proved his loyalty and now with these pigs going to be watching me I need trust in my corner.

"I know a few lawyers if it get to that point. One of them helped my cousin beat a charge and they had him on video killing the guy." He told me and my mind just drifted off to Deejay. I know he probably isn't all that experienced, but for me I know he will go over the moon to help me. I need to go talk to him...shit Carlee. I pulled out my phone and called her up. She stayed up at my Loft while I went and dealt with this.

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