Hard Dicking

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Chapter 9: Hard Dicking.



"Yea, I have a busy week coming ahead. I have to fly to New York for a interview. LA to appear on The Real. And then Miami for a Club Party im Hosting." I told Timothy as I laid between his legs in my Tub in my Loft. He wrapped his arsm around my body and said, "Damn, that sounds like a lot." I laid back and nuzzled my head into his neck and said, "Yea...that whats comes with being a Pop Star. These last few weeks have been great to relax and live life. Im going to miss you so much, while Im gone." Timothy made a grunt as if he was mad and stepped out the tub, making me fall back under the water. I came up for air and wiped my face as I seen him wrapping a biege towel around his waist...Did I miss something? I pondered to myself as he exited the room. I hopped my twink ass out the tub and followed him into my room.

"Timothy, whats wrong with you?" I asked. He started drying off and in a monotone replied, "Nothing, just have to go. Its late." I looked out my window at the building across the street that displays the time huge enough for a Ant to probably see and chuckled, "Its only 10. You usually stay the night, whats wrong?" He slid on some Navy Blue Armani Briefs and confessed, "I just feel you want me to remain a mystery...the blogs and all that post us and you dont mention a word, which is cool. However, we are in a relationship and I would like the person that play with chest hairs while I sleep to atleast consider I would take a week off to support him."

"Timothy, Its not even that. I didnt even know you will want to go with me." I argued.

"Yea, just like you havent mentioned to me about going to meet yout Parents or friends back in New York. I get it." Timothy retorted as he slid his legs in his jeans.

"You like the fantasy of me...but baby I want the whole thing. Im a Construction Worker who is the boss of his own company...I can take a week off if I wanted to." Timothy told me. He sounded hurt yet pissed. I stood there naked with nothing to say. I walked over to him and grabbed his manly arm, "Stop. Please dont go. Im sorry for not asking you...its not that I wouldnt want to be with you. And to prove it ill post you on everyone of my social medias. You are my man and I dont care who knows it." I told him. He stared into my eyes as water dripped off my slim body on to the floor. He pulled me close to him and I pulled his beard as he came down and placed his lips on mine and gave me a kiss soft as pillows. He whispered, "So are you going to ask me?"

I chuckled, "Timothy Dean Carter, would you like to go on a week away trip with me to deal with all my business." He smiled his beautiful smile and whispered back, "I would love too." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close as we started to make out. He moved over to my bed and laid me down as he unbuckled his jeans and dropped them on the floor. He climbed on top of me and started sucking on my neck. I quickly wrapped my legs around him and exhaled, "Oh fuck...Mhmm." Our lips met eachother and we started kissing. His huge body over mind made it feel all too perfect. He came up for air and in that moment we stared at eachother and smiled. He asked, "Where was you all my life?"

"Waiting to bump into you running from a fan crazed mob." I told him making him laugh. He flipped me over with one hand and pulled his briefs down with the other. I felt his dick against my bussy and I closed my eyes waiting for him to breed me deep. Suddenly, I heard a large thud and I turned around to see a sight I didnt expect...Timothy was laid out on the floor , passed out. I hopped up and climbed on top of his body and tapped his chest, "Oh My God!! Timothy?" I reached over and grabbed my phone and called up the ambulance.

3 Hours Later, I sat panicking in the waiting room awaiting for any news from any Doctors. Across from me was an older couple holding their hands as they awaited news on their daughter who came in a few minutes after us. I called up my Manager, Chris.

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