Dead on Arrival

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Authors Note: I cried real life tears writing this. Enjoy.

Chapter 20: Dead on Arrival.

(Our Fave Canadian Timothy)

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(Our Fave Canadian Timothy)


3 Months Ago.

I held Timothy hand as we ran through the airport with our bags trying to catch the flight to Paris for our honeymoon. We had just been married around all my family and friends and now we are off to do everything else on his list. We made it to the gate and showed our ticket. As we boarded the plane Timothy caught his breath and said, "Damn, I havent ran that far in ages. I didnt know you can run." We tool our seats and I joked, "Tim, before you I was a dick hunter. And preferably straight dick. And lets just say babymothers, moms, little sisters, and brothers have walked in and I have had to run." Timothy shot me a look before smirking and said, "Dont you dare talk like that yet, because I cannot fuck you right here on this plane." I laughed as I grabbed hold of his hand and the ladywent over the rules and before we knew it we was in the air.

"So your stepdad is a fucking dilf?" Timothy asked. I nudged his chest and said, "Be quiet. I cant believe my parents actually liked you?" He shot me a look and said, "My real Dad never cared. As for my mom and stepdad they never really liked me in this lifestyle. You know they only advertise the bad stuff of the gay life. Pervs, Drugs, Diseases. It just not like that and I am happy they gave you a chance." He grabbed me by my platinum hair and kissed me in the mouth as I rubbed his beard.

"No. Thank You. Im just more sad than mad at you." He said as I cuddled into his arms as he wrapped around me.

"What why?" I asked.

"Because you came into my life at a shitty time. Now we dont have alot of time together. My fuck ass heart just wont have it. You know after my first surgery when I was a little boy I said I was going to make sure to do everything fast,
so I wont miss nothing."

I smiled and said, "I dont see any little Timothy around here."

"Yea, because it would have hurted me more to have children and not make it to their graduation or to their weddings." I told him. I sat up climbed in his lap, luckily we was in first class, so it was alot of space. He wrapped his arms around my waist and said, "Hey, if it counts I think you would have been a great father. Hell, because you are on hell of a Daddy." We both chuckled and he kissed my lips.  I rubbed over his beard and said, "And I want you to show me why you really daddy." He slapped my ass and said, "Oh yea, thats what you want?" He picked me up and rushed into the bathroom and his large body actually fit. I ripped off his shirt and dove my lips on to his plump nipples. Taking turns sucking on them making him groan. He turned me around and pulled down my jeans and rubbed my ass.

"Oh Yea, Im about to breed it." As he managed to pull his jeans down he shoved his dick into my bussy and I moaned, "Aww Fuck. Damn, baby boy." He went to fucking me silly and I moaned, "Item 27 off the list." He chuckled, "Checked." He leaned over and we made out as he dove his dick into me over and over again. Feeling his warm cock being swallowed by my bussy walls was exactly what I needed. Suddenly, we heard a knock at the bathroom and I looked back at him and I told him to shush. I slid the door open and just snuck my head out and it was a blonde boy with his Flight Attendant uniform on. He gave me a fake smile and whispered, "Sex isnt aloud on the plane. We will have to as--" Out of nowhere Timothy opened the batroom door fully and began fucking me again. We was on display to the guy. He grabbed my hips and said, "Dude, I literally am dying. Like, my heart can give out on me at any minute. And I know you probably dont care, but guess what I gives no fucks."

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