Nasty Time

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Chapter 7: Nasty Time.


I woke up in the wake of Last Night altercation with Marc. My head was banging like hammer to nail. My body felt cold as I laid lonely in our California King Bed. I looked up at the styled wall of our bedroom. I tried to wrap my head around what happened and honestly I couldnt. Oliander doesnt do heavy drugs at who am I suppose to believe, huh? Marc , my fiance. Or Rico, my ex lover? Marc picked and pieced the shattered pieces that made up my heart back together and showed me how to love again. I rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bedroom and took an hour hot shower. I quickly got dressed and needed to make some tea. I was so happy court was pushed back, because I wouldnt have made it. I grabbed my phone and called up Marc. It went straight to voicemail.

I exhaled before the beep and started to speak, "Baby, its me and I just want to apologize about last night. I just want to talk. Ill be at the Green Mati tonight at 11:30, meet me there." I hung up and walked out into the hall, I heard rumbling downstairs. I knew Marc was gone and Loso should be at school. A bitch will really die today, how Im feeling. I went into the hall closet and pulled out my metal Louisville Slugger and held on to the bottom of it tightly. I walked by the stairs and carefully listened. It sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. I slowly tip toed down the stairs and came around the foyer and peeped inside the kitchen. The sight was one for the books. Some blonde hair girl laid put across my kitchen table and Loso over her pounding his dick inside her. This boy only been in school for literally not even a long time. She moaned, "Aww fuck!" I snapped, "Oh FUCK, is more like it!" Loso paused deep in her guts and she turned and snapped, "Oh my god, you said you Dad's wasnt home." All exposed she hopped off the counter and grabbed her clothes and ran for the door. Loso was about to go upstairs and I stopped him by pushing the bat into his chest. I dont know what to talk about first. Why he skipping school? Or Did he really call us his Dad's?

"Why the fuck you arent in school?" I asked. I kept my eyes glaring at him, because he was naked and his hard dick was kind of hard not to notice. "You said you will try and you already skipping?"

He replied, "Um, you supposed to been at work and second its a teacher planning day..we have off. Now will you excuse sorry." He walked pass me and I said, "And when you done showering get the fuck back down here and I want my whole kitchen cleaned. Fucking this girl all over my fresh fruits and literally have a bed." He replied, "Whats the fun in that?"

I said, "boy you better get upstairs, before this bat start talking." He chuckled and I asked, "Did you really call us your Dad's?"

He looked at me and didnt even reply. He just ran for the stairs. I exhaled and pulled the tea from thr cabinet and started boiling some water. This just added to the massive headache. My phone rung and I quickly answered without looking hoping it was Marc.


"Deejay? Its Carlee. Have you been in contact with my Dad...he havent been answering his phone since last night." She asked.

"No. I havent. You know your Dad he will pop out when he ready. I wouldnt worry." I told her as someone now knocked at the door. I ran over and opened and it was an older guy. He had a grey beard and dreads. I slowly told Carlee Ill call her back before hanging the phone up.

"Hey." I said wanting an introduction, well expecting one.

"Hey, Im Jeffery. Loso Father and I came to give him the papers that came to the house...its revealing that I gave my rights up as his Dad." He told me. How could someone do that to their child? Children make mistakes and Loso clearly is trying to correct his.

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