I Pronounce You...

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Chapter 10: I Pronounce You...


Its been a week of running around and searching up anything on the real Agent Belleck. Jayceon and I have been on the web for hours now searching for any other thing to tie Rocko to this man. We was in my living room. He had my work laptop and I had my home one. We had to find anything as evidence, so I can take it to the judge and get his ass thrown in jail and let them release Rico. Jayceon bit his finger nails and exhaled, "Fuck, its no trace of Rocko Greene or Agent Belleck, that can show any foul play. That video I got the wife is good enough for me."

I argued, "Like I told you, its not enough if we want this case thrown out and him investigated. All his lawyer will have to say is that she was force to say those things. Come on keep searching." I encouraged him as we kept typing away. Finding evidence to match the wife story that Rocko came to take over her husband identity and family, will be a golden ticket. Finding the body or even the doctor who performed the surgery on Rocko face will he the hail mary.

It was 3:35 in the morning and we needed a boost. I stood up and said, "Im going to brew
one more pot of coffee...want some?" He yawned, "Yea." I havent asked why he was so eager to help and where was he all this time before he just appeared back, but Im afraid of his answer to be to get with Rico. Ive been so busy with trying to get him off, I havent even went and visited him. I put the coffee on and leaned over the counter. I closed my eyes and mumbled to myself, "Think..Think...Think.. If I was a murder, where would I hide a body?" I ran back into the living room. I repeated myself loudly and before Jayceon could even speak, my phone rang. It was X asking for a facetime call. I have been fowarding everyone call, but he have been calling periodically over the last two days. I told Jayceon to think on that and answered the call. He was laying in bed and he sat up.

"Bestfriend, Ive been trying to get in contact with you." X told me sadly, while running his fingers thru his short platinum in color hair.

"Im sorry. This case has me all over the place. Can I call --"

X cut me off and said, "Okay. I wont keep you long, but Timothy and I are on a flight to New York in the next 3 hours. We are coming so he can meet my family, you guys and then yall are invited to my Winter in Wonderland wedding on Sunday at the Ritz Carlton." My eyes grew big and replied, "Please tell me, Im just tired and hearing things." Its not even December...like what!?!?

"Its a long sad story that I dont have tissues to tell you about...we will talk when I get there." He told me before hanging up. X getting married to Timothy already. Jesus, was that fast and hell I cant even make it an aisle. Suddenly, footsteps hit my tile as the approached the kitchen. I found his old job in  South Africa. He laid the laptop in front of me and showed a picture of 12 men dressed in White Police Uniforms, dated 2011. Which means we was still in High School and Rocko couldnt have met him yet. Which is a step in the right direction, meaning this was the real Troy Belleck.

"Agent Troy Belleck. Graduated top of his Academy in 2009. --" Jayceon read under his description.

"Agent Troy Belleck, joins the elite task force in South Africa in 2013, when he solved a mass murder case. In 2017 he came to the U.S one summer and spoke to the youth in New York City about being a police officer at the New York Summit 2017." I said before quickly opening another tab and typing up the New York Summit 2017 and going to the website gallery. As we scrolled through the pictures I heard the door unlock. That must be Loso coming back from bowling. He better not had crash my damn car.

"There, Deejay." Jayceon snapped as he pointed to a picture of the real Troy Belleck shaking hands with Rocko, who was on crutches with both legs wrapped up. I sent the picture via bluetooth to my printer to print. I then said, "This is semi proof that this was pre planned, this is dated after I left for Harvard. However, who the fuck shot him in the legs? I need to go talk to Rico."  Loso walked into the kitchen smelling of weed and said, "I didnt smoke in your car...I spoked on the hood of your car so befor--" He stopped talking as Jayceon and him met eachother eyes. It was a long awkward silence and thats when it all hit me. Jayceon was there with Rico in that club that night...Jayceon helped kill all of Loso friends and maybe even shot Loso and not Rico. Which will be better for me...honestly it would.

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