Chapter 6

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Anodien closed her eyes as she laid beside the bubbling brook, imagining the Ellon beside her. Not a minute passed that he did not enter her thoughts. She simultaneously enjoyed and despised what her love for him was doing to her. The happiness that he brought her was tempered by the anger at herself for allowing herself to even fall in love. Though her life had been full of wishes for some kind of love, for even a scrap of kindness to be shown to her, now that it was potentially in her grasp, she was afraid.

What do I do, Iluvatar? Anodien asked The One. Do I bring myself to tell him, to risk my heart, or do I keep this secret to myself and pine on, eternally unrequited? The stream offered no answer. She sighed as the quandary engulfed her thoughts. Her uncertainty led her to crave a reply, even if none was to be forthcoming.

Anodien had never wanted something as deeply as she wanted his heart, to be loved by Legolas Greenleaf. She needed the love of the Elf she'd once hated, wanted to tear apart and burn. The intensity of it shocked her, and she felt ashamed of her former actions. The Elleth resolved to tell him the next time she saw him, and suffer the consequences. As she thought of it, she found that she was unable to wait, nearly tripping as she stood up.

The She-Elf bounded through the forest, thinking about what the prince would say. He had spoken of her in a loving light for so long, and she knew that there was no chance he would deny her.

The Faeling pictured his joyful face when she revealed it all to him. Undoubtedly, he adored her and would be ecstatic that she had finally been able to find love. Her lips curved up in a smile, the first since before the death of her father two years before. Anodien reached the Wood Elf's abode in Ithiliond, hidden within a massive tree. She ducked inside, giving a nod to the guards. The Faeling felt almost giddy with excitement and nervousness.

"Legolas?" she called out, her eyes darting around in her search for him. "Legolas?"

"Princess?" Anodien stopped and turned around to see a tall Elf with dark silver hair staring at her. "Prince Greenleaf has left with his father on a patrol around the borders. They shall return soon." At that precise moment, the main doors to the tree home burst open, revealing the king in question. Thranduil looked around, aloofness radiating from him. Anodien craned her neck to check behind him, though Legolas was nowhere to be found.

"My King?" Anodien addressed Thranduil. The silver-blonde ruler looked down at the daughter of his sworn enemy with slight distaste.

"What is it?" he asked coolly, voice tinged with dislike.

"Where is your son?" she responded, her heart slowing as she spoke to the king. Neither of them had ever enjoyed the other's company. Fire and oil, as it were.

"My son?" Thranduil said slowly, a malicious glint in his eyes. Anodien quickly grew impatient, annoyance rising in her.

"Yes, your son!" Anodien snapped, exasperated. "Legolas, went out with you on patrol, about yea tall? Blonde-hair? Blue eyes?"

"I know who my son is," Thranduil retorted, curling his lip up. "I just do not know what business a thing like you might have with him."

"My business with him is none of your own," Anodien growled, ignoring the blatant insult. Thranduil sniffed, turning away.

"I do not know," the king sneered. "He remained out by the western border when I chose to return." Anodien curtsied, though it was obviously more mocking than sincere. After Thranduil walked past her, Anodien darted out the doors to search for the elusive prince. Every other day, he's easily found. But not today. No, today he's got to be out on the furthest edge from the borders possible. Anodien patrolled along the border, gazing across at the lands she'd once called her own. However, she wouldn't dare return, especially no time soon.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't see the figure in front of her. Anodien crashed into the person, and both of them fell over. "Watch where you're going!" she snapped crossly, rubbing her eyes.

"Quite a way to greet a friend," came the jovial reply. Anodien looked up to see the laughing face of the one she loved.

"Legolas!" she exclaimed, overjoyed. She bowled him over again, embracing him tightly. He laughed and returned the gesture.

"I told you when we began our journey you'd warm up to me," he teased. Anodien looked up into his shining blue eyes, ready to let him know everything.

"Can I tell you something?" Anodien asked. Legolas nodded, wondering where she was going. "Legolas..." The Faeling leaned in, opening her mouth to start. At that moment, her reckless courage vanished, leaving her puzzled over what she was doing. She pasted a fake playful smile on her face and tapped him on the forehead. "Tag!" She darted away from the stunned Elf, who stood and followed her with a laugh.

Anodien... what are you doing? she berated herself. You were so close.

Close to losing him. I don't know if I could survive if he didn't return my feelings. How could he? I'm not worth him... I have too many imperfections. Someone as flawless as he could never love a broken chit like me. I can't risk it. She continued to run, from both her poison emotions and the one she loved.

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