Chapter 10

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Anodien awoke on a stiff mattress, a wet cloth being pressed to her head. She swatted the hand that held it away, hissing in displeasure. She looked around, meeting the eyes of Nanuet. He looke at her with pity as he reached for her again.

"Stop that," Anodien growled, climbing out of bed. She immediately stumbled, her legs unable to support her weight. She grasped the wooden bedpost, glaring at the healer. "Why am I here?" she demanded. "Last I remember--" Oh.

The last thing Anodien remembered was Legolas revealing his own heart to her before she'd gotten a chance to show her own. The endless suffering and burning in her chest. Just like that, the weight returned. Her mind was unable to handle the sudden strain, and her body collapsed to the floor like a limp blanket. Nanuet shook his head and lifted the unconscious She-Elf back onto the hospital bed.

"Is she alright?" a feminine voice asked, full of worry. Nanuet turned to stare at the visitor, none other than Minaethiel Gracebloom. Anxiety was clear on the young She-Elf's face as she inspected her sister.

"She'll be fine," the healer replied, applying the wet cloth to Anodien's forehead once more. "Thranduil's patrol found her in the forest, nearly frozen to death. Apparently, she'd had the bright idea to sleep outside in the rain for a few hours." Minaethiel bit her lip, aware that she herself had been the one to nudge her out the door.


It was a few hours before Anodien opened her eyes again. This time, she was prepared for the onslaught of her brain crashing into her mere seconds after she awoke.

"Anodien! You're awake!" Anodien turned her head at the voice of her sister, her vision hazy. She saw only a blur.

"Unfortunately," Anodien grumbled, lying back down. "Nanuet? I'd like a high dose of poppy extract." The Fae looked over at the princess.

"Are you in pain?" Nanuet queried.

"You're an imbecile!" she hissed angrily. "It's not like I was in battle, I just want to go to sleep!" She let out a stream of expletives, shocking both occupants in the room.

"Anodien, language!" Minaethiel rebuked, while Nanuet merely retrieved the item in question for the princess. He set the tiny flask on Anodien's nightstand, just out of her reach. While Anodien scrambled to retrieve it, Minaethiel was faster still. With the poppy extract in her grasp, she stared at her sister. "Why are you here?"

"I don't care," Anodien barked, snapping her arm out to grab the slumber-inducing medicine. "And you shouldn't be here, either." Minaethiel dipped her head, trying not to be insulted. Her older sister uncorked the bottle and tipped it back, guzzling the liquid. Once she'd drained it, she wiped off her mouth and began the wait until the poppies dragged her out of reality for a few more hours. Minaethiel began to speak, with every word annoying Anodien more and more.

"Why not? Nodi, tell me what happened," Minaethiel insisted. "I'm only here to keep you saf--" Anodien instantly lost her patience.

"Absolutely stellar job you did with that!" the Faeling screamed, throwing the empty flask at Minaethiel. The Elleth had just enough time to shield herself, and the glass shattered on her arms. Fear filled her at the sight of her beloved sister, once her staunch protector, ready to further the attack. "Get the hell out!" The drowsiness started to drag her under, and she fought her heavy eyelids for a few more seconds. "I hate you! Run away to your precious family and never come back!"


Anodien's days passed gathering her things. She planned to return to Faellond. Her mind could not stand to be near Legolas, even if her heart ached for him. "I don't love him," she mumbled to herself, sealing a cloth bag. This had become her daily adage, and she'd repeated it frequently. "He hates me. I hate him."

Three raps on the door drew her attention. "Nodi?" The Faeling turned to see her golden-haired sister staring at her uncertainly. Her lips were parted, and it was clear that she wanted to say something but couldn't find out how.

"What do you want, Minaethiel?" Anodien snarled, looking away.

"You haven't been yourself these past few days," the Elleth responded, stepping into the room. Anodien let out a huff of irritation, tipping her head back.

"Why haven't you gone back to your precious Gili and Balglas?" Anodien queried angrily, slinging the bag over her shoulder. "They left here days ago, and you just adore those urchins." Minaethiel furrowed her brows. Anodien had always disliked Gili, but she'd never said a harsh word about Balglas. "Those ugly little toads you call kin." Minaethiel gritted her teeth.

"You'd better watch it," she warned. "That's my family you're cursing."

"What do I care?" Anodien retorted harshly, her silver-green eyes flaming. "You... you knew all along. You wanted me broken! You've destroyed what future I had... Minaethiel, you're no sister of mine." Anodien stormed out the door, leaving her sister frozen with shock.


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