Chapter 19

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"Be careful with the dress!" Anodien warned, pulling the white fabric out from the shoes of Minaethiel. Her sister simply chuckled. Anodien hung that particular one back up and searched through the others for a more suitable one.

"Sorry," she apologized as her sister sifted through the available gowns to wear. The bride-to-be rolled her eyes and faced the mirror again, allowing the She-Elves around her to finish applying the makeup. The princess was normally not one for cosmetics, but this was her wedding day. If any situation calls for it, then it's this one.

"Miss Gracebloom?" one of the Elleths asked, meeting Minaethiel's blue eyes. "Could you please go find Lairiel? She's next." Minaethiel bit her tongue.

"I don't think Lairiel's going to want makeup on," the She-Elf said, unsure.

"Please go ask her anyways," Anodien implored, eyeing her reflection critically. "If she doesn't want to, then I won't push it." Minaethiel nodded and hurried off in search of the forest-dwelling Elleth. Anodien laid back and shut her eyes, allowing the wedding planners to apply the makeup.


Minaethiel hurried through the halls, keeping her eyes out for Lairiel's bright copper hair. "Lairiel?" she called out, glancing around. "Lairiel?"

"In here!" came the answer. The voice came from the gardens outside, and Minaethiel berated herself for not checking there first.

"Lairiel?" Minaethiel exited the great building into the flower-filled gardens. Lairiel stared at Minaethiel, waiting for her to explain why she'd come looking for her. "Anodien wants to know if you were planning on wearing makeup for the ceremony." Lairiel made a face, but it quickly became resigned.

"I wouldn't do this for anyone but her," the Elleth growled, standing. Minaethiel laughed lightly.

"You both are two peas in the same pod. Anodien almost decided to not wear any at all." Lairiel shrugged.

"Does she need me now?" Minaethiel nodded in reply, and Lairiel stretched out her arms. "Alright, let's go."


Anodien held the dress up to herself in the body mirror, wondering if this was the one she should don as she walked down the aisle. I could wear a pile of garbage, and it wouldn't ruin today, she thought to herself gaily. Of course, I'd prefer a dress... Today is going to be the best day of my life, and nothing can change that.

Anodien turned the dress around. The design had a large hole in the back, which went against the princess' desires. With an annoyed sigh, she hung that particular dress back up. She scanned the dresses again, though she'd already gone through them all. An irritated breath puffed up her cheeks. I've got to go to the dressmaker's and see if she has anything else.

The Faeling began to stroll down the halls of Ithiliond, intent on getting ready quickly.

"...Anodien..." The princess' ears pricked up as she heard her name. She backed up to the door she'd heard it come from, and to her surprise, she recognized the voices of both Legolas and Nanuet. Anodien leaned her right ear against the door, listening carefully to what her fiance was saying. The words revealed sent shocks into her heart.

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