Chapter 18

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Note: Thank you to   for writing the letter from Minaethiel! ;)


Anodien rushed to her chambers, eager to tell her sister the occurrences of the day. Her room was very disorganized, and she scrambled around for her quill and ink. When she at last located them, she found that her stacks of paper had also gone missing. With a groan, the princess tore the room apart until she found the parchment-- inside of the ornate wooden desk. With all of the required materials, Anodien set to work.

She ruined one page of paper by scribbling after her excitement took hold. Another was destroyed as her flailing hands knocked over the inkwell. Focusing on the words in her mind, she tried to calm her hands enough to write the letter.

Dear Minaethiel,

Today is the greatest day of my life-- save the day when you were born. Where to begin?!

Today, Nanuet declared me perfectly healed, and I'm free to move about. Of course, that's hardly the greatest bit of news I send! Legolas proposed to me! Oh, you were right, gwathel! He loves me, and it's the last thing I'd expected! Gwathel, I'm going to get married, I'm finally going to start a family! I don't think I've ever been so excited!

I simply haven't stopped smiling. Just think, perhaps I'll have a son or daughter for Balglas to play with! Goodness... my life has been a great mess, but now... it seems that Iluvatar has blessed me and finally allowed me to enjoy my existence. Though it's a bit too early to make wedding plans (still a year to go!), I was wondering if you'd like to be one of my bridesmaids? I'll likely ask Lairiel as well, but-- ooh, I'm far too excited to think straight!

That Legolas loves me is the greatest feeling in the world. Knowing that he truly does love me, that we may live the rest of eternity together bonded in love, I don't think that I could ever be unhappy again.

I'm running out of space to write!! Goheno nin! With greatest love from your soon-to-be-married sister,

Anodien Fireborn


Anodien spent the next few days alternating between nonstop checking the mail deliveries and spending time with her husband-to-be. She never let the smile drop from her face, while Legolas never let the lie show on his. At last, a fortnight after Anodien sent her letter, she received one from Minaethiel.

The princess hurried to open the thin letter, eager to read its contents.

"My love?" Anodien looked over her shoulder to see Legolas with a curious look on his face. "What is that?"

"It's a letter from my sister," replied the Faeling, showing her fiance the envelope. He scanned over it, his finger on his lower lip.

"What did you write to her about?" he queried. Anodien rolled her eyes.

"Legolas..." she chuckled, "I told her about the proposal and my recovery." Legolas kept his face blank and nodded, handing the parchment back to his friend. Anodien returned to opening and reading the letter.


I'm honored by your care for me. And I'm glad to see you happy.

I'm overjoyed that you're safe. I was worried sick when I heard the news that you were hurt! He proposed?! Congratulations!

I'd love to be a bridesmaid. And I'm more than willing to offer any help you need with plans. Hmm, although Balglas has many play companions here, I'm sure he'd love a cousin to play with.

For you to never be unhappy again would be a true miracle. One that I'd welcome without hesitation.

Gi melin, nin gwathel,

Minaethiel Gracebloom


Anodien smiled as she rested on Legolas' chest. The wind blew lightly through the trees, rocking their hammock. Legolas stroked her soft brown hair gently, wishing he could give her what she needed. A silent prayer was sent to Iluvatar from the Ellon, and Anodien cuddled closer to Legolas.

A harp played faintly in the distance, soothing and calm. For once in her life, Anodien felt completely content with where she was. At last, she felt like she belonged to someone. She rested her hand on his bicep, closing her eyes as he wrapped his arms around her.

"It's moments like these, Legolas," Anodien murmured into his tunic. Legolas looked up.

"What do you mean?"

"It's moments like these that make me sure that you do love me," she clarified, kissing his throat. "They let me know that I'm not alone anymore." She snuggled into the crook of his neck, a purr rumbling her throat. As Anodien stilled, Legolas again felt a wave of guilt for being unable to tell her the truth when he said he loved her.

I wish I could be truthful, Ani.

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